musculus triceps brachii, triceps brachii - the skeletal muscle having three origins that extends the forearm when it contracts articulatio cubiti, cubital joint, cubitus, elbow, elbow joint, human elbow - hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb...
In the last years, due the working age increase, more and more attention was given to the use of exoskeleton for industrial applications, such to reduce fatigue and the operator effort. Since in industrial practice, stiffening the joint is a requested action for those operations in which precisi...
I present here three letters received at the chiropractic help desk that will outline the gravity and seriousness of an ache and tingling radiating down the upper extremity from the cervical spine. They may help you to understand that you are not all alone. Here is the first letter. Hello, ...
The latter, instead, primarily focuses on arm motion, making it particularly valuable for characterizing upper limb kinematics post-stroke and comparing it to natural motion14,15, training movement-based prosthesis control systems16, analyzing muscle synergies17, and evaluating trajectory optimization ...
Age- related patterns of upper arm muscle and fat area in Turkish children and assessment of nutritional status. Int J Anthropol 2006; 21: 231-239.Gultekin, T., B. Koca Ozer, K. Katayama & G. Akin, Age related patterns of upper arm muscle and fat area in Turkish children and ...
[7] established a three-dimensional multi-segment dynamic model based on the biological structure of the Octopus arm, in which a single arm was assumed to be composed of multiple trapezoidal segments with drives, and the muscle tissue of octopus was equivalent to a piston-cylinder system. These...
The FMA-UE was used to determine the motor function and degree of muscle synergies present. The FMA-UE consists of four subscales: shoulder, wrist, hand and coordination/speed. A three point scale is used to score movement, with a maximum of 66 points indicating a normal motor function of...
Age-related muscle atrophy does not affect all muscles and can partly be compensated by physical activity: An ultrasound study 1 In adults, the volume of quadriceps femoris muscle decreases with age, whereas the impact of increasing age on the size of other extremity muscles was hard......
2006: Effects of abdominal muscle fatigue on anticipatory postural adjustments associated with arm raising Gait and Posture 24(3): 342-348 Inglin, B.; Woollacott, M. 1988: Age-related changes in anticipatory postural adjustments associated with arm movements Journal of Gerontology 43(4): M105-M...
Previous Patent:Batting Ball On A Cable Having A Low Friction Surface To Provide Proper Swing Technique and Muscle M... Next Patent:TRANSPORTABLE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT SYSTEM