下表显示了由EL1控制的MPU背景区域,用于数据访问。 8.2.2 EL2-controlled MPU background region 当EL2控制的MPU被禁用时(HSCTLR.M=0),EL2控制的背景区域将作为所有访问的默认内存映射。 当启用EL2控制的MPU时,可以将其用于未命中任何可编程区域的EL2访问,方法是设置背景区域使能(HSCTLR.BR=1)。当启用EL2...
共有三个通用MPU寄存器(General MPU registers): MPU类型寄存器(MPU Type Register),参见MPU_TYPE说明。该寄存器可用于确定是否存在MPU,以及支持的区域数。 MPU控制寄存器(MPU Control Register),参见MPU_CTRL说明。MPU控制寄存器包含一个全局使能位,必须将其设置为1才能使能 MPU。 MPU区域编号寄存器(MPU Region Number...
The Cortex-M7 MPU defines: Either 8 or 16 separate memory regions, 0-7 or 0-15 depending on your implementation. An optional background region.When memory regions overlap, a memory access is affected by the attributes of the region with the highest number. For example, the attributes for ...
Optional 8 MPU regions with sub-regions and background region Integrated bit-field processing instructions and bus-level bit banding Non-maskable interrupt and 1 to 240 physical interrupts with 8 to 256 priority levels Wake-up interrupt controller ...
Optional 8 MPU regions with sub-regions and background region Integrated Bit-field Processing Instructions and Bus Level Bit Banding Non-maskable interrupt + 1 to 240 physical interrupts with 8 to 256 priority levels Wake-up interrupt controller Hardware single-cycle (32x32) multiply, Hardware Divid...
Memory ProtectionOptional 8-region MPU with sub regions and background region Bit Manipulation...
The background region Enabling and disabling the MPU Finding the minimum supported region size Memory access control Access permissions Memory region attributes C, B, and TEX[2:0] encodings Programming the MPU region attributes Cache maintenance requirement created by changing MPU region attributes PMSA...
Optional 8 region MPU with sub regions and background region Interrupts Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) + 1 to 240 physical interrupts Interrupt Priority Levels 8 to 256 priority levels Wake-up Interrupt Controller Up to 240 Wake-up Interrupts Sleep Modes Integrated WFI and WFE Instructions and Sleep...
This book presents the background of the ARM architecture and outlines the features of the processors such as the instruction set, interrupt-handling and also demonstrates how to program and utilize the advanced features available such as the Memory Protection Unit (MPU). Chapters on getting started...