This document contains an overview of the Arm architecture and information on A32, T32, and A64 instruction sets. For assembler-specific features, such as additional pseudo-instructions, see the documentation for your assembler.
1、本文参考的书籍《ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition》中的Chapter A5: ARM Instruction Set Encoding. 2、本人对本文最终效果中的表格缩进没有对齐的现象表示歉意,因为目前本人解决不了 :) 3、本文的解读流程如下: 1、Format of the CPSR and SPSRs:因为CPSR中有影响指令执行的...
Rn ^ Op2op_CMP=0b1010,// set CPSR flag, Rn - Op2op_CMN=0b1011,// set CPSR flag, Rn + Op2op_ORR=0b1100,// Rd = Rn | Op2op_MOV=0b1101,// Rd = Op2op_BIC=0b1110,// Rd = Rn & ~Op2op_MVN=0b1111// Rd = ~Op2}; ...
根据规范编写软件意味着它可以在兼容的硬件上运行。ARM 架构是基础,通过指令集架构(Instruction Set Architecture,ISA)兼容性提供了一个通用的程序员模型。 基本系统架构(The Base System Architecture,BSA)规范描述了系统软件可以依赖的硬件系统架构。BSA 涵盖了处理器和系统架构的各个方面,例如中断控制器、计时...
首先研究一下《Instruction Set Assembly Guide for Armv7 and earlier Arm®architecturesVersion 2.0Reference Guide》和《Arm A-profile A32/T32 Instruction Set Architecture》。 1. Conditional instruction A32每条指令的bit[31:28]表示需要满足的条件,以PSTATE.NZCV作为输入检查条件是否满足。
计算机完成一定的操作通过指令来实现,不同的指令方式被称为计算机架构,目前计算机主要有三大架构阵营,一是CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computers)复杂指令集架构,另一种是RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computers)精简指令集架构,此外还有一个国内比较火的MIPS指令集。采用CISC架构的代表是Intel和AMD的X86指令集,采用RISC...
RISC(reduced instruction set computer)由于 CISC 和 RISC 不像物理和数学概念一样可以做出无二义性的...
RISC(reduced instruction set computer) 由于CISC 和 RISC 不像物理和数学概念一样可以做出无二义性的严谨定义,所以主流观点都认为 CISC 的指令隐含有对总线的 load / store 操作,即 add, sub 等算术逻辑指令的操作数允许是一个内存地址,执行操作数为内存地址的算术逻辑指令 ... Signed Multiply-Add Long multiplies two 32-bit register values, adds a 64-bit register value, and writes the result to the 64-bit destination register. ...
Instruction Set Attributes Register 0 (ID_ISAR0) The Instruction Set Attributes Register 0 provides information about the instruction set that the processor supports beyond the basic set. The Instruction Set Attributes Register 0 is: in CP15 c0 ...