#error "Unsupported compiler"#endif 3.程序中使用了__packed、__align(n)、__inline、__weak的地方...
步骤二:配置编译环境 如果你使用Arm Compiler 6(armclang),则需要打开对C11和GNU扩展的支持,即直接在"Language C"中选择“gnu11”: 如果你使用的是Arm Compiler 5(armcc),则需要打开对C99和GNU扩展的支持,如下图所示: 此外,由于Arm-2D依赖CMSIS ,可以通过配置MDK的RTE的方式来获得最新版本CMSIS的支持。 1、如...
大意就是,Arm Compiler 5 以后就要退出舞台了!在 ARM 内核的支持上,Arm Compiler 6 也要比 Arm Compiler 5 完善的多!目前,ARM 官方的 IDE 都会包含这两个版本的编译器。例如,在 Keil MDK 的安装目录下面会有如下两个目录,分别对应了 Arm Compiler 5 和 Arm Compiler 6 上面说了,以上编译器 ARM 也提供独...
1.1 ARM Compiler 6 Configuration ARM Compiler 6 is the successor to ARM Compiler 5 and includes the components listed below. See the Migration and Compatibility Guide in the product documentation for more information on migrating projects from previous versions. ...
其中,Arm Compiler 6 被 ARM 称为是 Arm Compiler 5 的替代者!相比于 Arm Compiler 5 的使用的 Edison Design Group 编译器前端,Arm Compiler 6 将编译器前端换为了基于 LLVM 的 Clang! 在ARM 官网的介绍中,有如下一段话 General update releases on the last branch, version 5.06, ended in H2...
indirect_r7.⏹9.19 __value_in_regs .⏹9.20 __weak .⏹9.21 __writeonly .⏹9.22 __declspec attributes .⏹9.23 __declspec(dllexport).Page 1of 6Compiler User Guide: Compiler-specific Features 2014-7-14mk:@MSITStore:C:\Keil_v5\ARM\HLP\armcc.chm::/armcc_chr135912...
When the ‑ffast‑math option is specified, the compiler now produces objects that select a faster floating-point library. [SDCOMP-25140] The compiler could incorrectly generate code that tail calls weak functions. This could result in incorrect behavior because the linker will intentionally ...
别忘了选择指令集字段,有的instrinsic只适用于A32/A64, 但不适用于Armv7.Compiler Reference可以帮助你...
; Reset handler Reset_Handler PROC ; 代码开始,与ENDP成对出现 EXPORT Reset_Handler [WEAK] ; 复位中断,[WEAK]修饰代表其他文件有函数定义优先调用 IMPORT SystemInit ; 导入外部函数SystemInit IMPORT __main ; 导入外部函数__main LDR R0, =SystemInit BLX R0 ; 无返回调用SystemInit LDR R0, =__main ...
(JIT) compiler hasn’t added much to the reorderings permitted by the hardware, so there were relatively few cases where the memory model would reveal latent concurrency bugs. This could present a problem if managed code written for and tested only on x86-based machines is expected to work ...