"Kira had me squeezing her leg so she could see if I'm up [awake] or not. I could see her looking for the ambulance and on the phone calling people. The people behind me are trying to keep me up and stop the bleeding. They have three or four belts tied around my...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: May 1992 - Volume 24 - Issue 5 - ppg S87 D-27 SLIDE CHRONIC DISABILITY & DISEASE: PDF Only Arm Versus Leg Ergometry in Traumatic and Dysvascular Below-Knee Amputees: 521 Young, J. L.; Esquenazi, A.; Sirolli, H.; Rabin, J.Login...
In a similar vein, and equally as important to prosthetic rehabilitation, is physiological capacity. It is well known that energy expenditure of walking for prosthesis wearers is greater than that for able-bodied persons [12,13], greater in dysvascular amputees [14], and even greater for those...