An exception occurred ARM11 (core 1) / Exception type: undefined instruction / I need help! Hi, I have a problem with booting my 3DS, I hope somebody can fix this problem. I have aOld 3DS (EUR)withLuma3DS v10.0.1(now I can't know the SysNAND version, sorry). The console using ...
Is this an undefined instruction or a data abort because you are reading from an unaligned address? edit: On an undefined exception CPSR[4:0] should be 0b11011 or 0x1B not 0x13, 0x13 is a reset according to the arm arm. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Sep 4, 2009 at 2...
Core reset See Warm reset. CPI See Cycles per instruction. CPSR See Current Program Status Register. Current Program Status Register (CPSR) The register that holds the current operating processor status. Cycles Per instruction (CPI) Cycles per instruction (or clocks per instruction) is a ...
比如在一个基于ARM7TDMI core的嵌入式系统中,系统在上电或复位时通常都从地址0x00000000处开始执行,而在这个地址处安排的通常就是系统的Boot Loader程序。(先想一下,通用PC和嵌入式系统为何会在此处存在如此的差异呢?) Bootloader是基于特定硬件平台来实现的,因此几乎不可能为所有的嵌入式系统建立一个通用的Bootloader...
1 GNU 汇编格式 label:instruction @ comment label即标号,表示地址位置,有些指令前面可能会有标号,这样就可以通过这个标号得到指令的地址,标号也可以用来表示数据地址。注意 label 后面的“:”,任何以“:”结尾的标识符都会被识别为一个标号。 instruction即指令,也就是汇编指令或伪指令。
大部分ARM core提供: ARM指令集(32-bit):每条指令4字节 Thumb指令集(16-bit):每条指令2字节 指令机器码(如图): MOV r0, #4 ADD r0, r1, r2 //r0 = r1 + r2 ADD r0, r1, #0x1234 //r0 = r1 + 5 条件码: 伪指令: 会被编译器转换为指令后再翻译 ldr r0, =0x12345678 立即数: 8位存放数...
Purpose ... IA, bits [31:0] ... opc1 CRn CRm opc2 0b1111 0b000 0b0111 0b1000 0b001 if !HaveAArch32EL(EL1) then UNDEFINED; elsif PSTATE.EL == EL0 then AArch32 Instructions ICIALLU: Instruction Cache Invalidate All to PoU ... ICIMVAU: Instruction Cache line Invalidate by ...
中断屏蔽寄存器 ,INTMSK为主中断屏蔽寄存器,INTSUBMSK为副中断屏蔽寄存器。INTMSK有效位为32,INTSUBMSK有效位为11,这两个寄存器各个位与SRCPND和SUBSRCPND分别对应。 它们的作用是决定该位相应的中断请求是否被处理。若某位被设置为1,则该位相对应的中断产生后将被忽略(CPU不处理该中断请求),设置为0则对其进行处理...
比如在一个基于ARM7TDMI core的嵌入式系统中,系统在上电或复位时通常都从地址0x00000000处开始执行,而在这个地址处安排的通常就是系统的Boot Loader程序。(先想一下,通用PC和嵌入式系统为何会在此处存在如此的差异呢?) Bootloader是基于特定硬件平台来实现的,因此几乎不可能为所有的嵌入式系统建立一个通用的Bootloader...
Some commonly used connection types are: Single-core, Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP), ... Single-core connection Single-core connection A single-core connection usually means that the debugger will connect to only one core of a processor. ... Figure 1. A single core connection with debug ...