Welcome to our Club! Shaping Business Leaders into Community Leaders since 1923 Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. First United Methodist Church 313 North Center Street Arlington, TX 76011 United States of America Our meetings are in person but for those that wish to attend virtually we offer an online...
"We were looking for a signature event that would raise funds, be highly visible for the Rotary Club and be a community event," says Kris Stabler, Rotary president. "This hits on all cylinders." "Being involved with Rotary changed me both professionally and personally," [David Schultz] ...
The State of District 214: The Sunset Rotary Club of Arlington Heights Features
Working Concessions for Charity; Rotary Club of East Arlington Earns Money at Golf Tourney for ProgramsByline: Beth Reese CraveyCravey, Beth Reese