这座房子本身是 19 世纪英国建筑的一个近乎独特的例子,遵循 18 世纪法国城堡的风格。它的场地是三个世纪英国园林设计的辉煌结合,包含 18 世纪早期为数不多的正式花园之一。 地点:Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4HR 网站:www.english-heritage.org.uk
Arlesey Central Bedfordshire - 英国 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 02:47 7° 阵雨 AQI 优 今天白天少云,夜晚晴间多云,比昨天冷很多,现在7°,风很大,空气不错。 5级 西北风 92% 相对湿度 最弱 紫外线 0° 体感温度 13km 能见度 0.5mm 降水量 997hPa 大气压 24小时预报 4am 6am 7am...
Estate Agents and Photographers working together. Traditional, local, hands-on Estate Agency with professional video/photo production included.
Arlesey Central Bedfordshire - 英国 2025-01-05 未来30天将有1天下雪,3天下雨,最高温13°(01月05日),最低温-3°(01月07日,01月09日)。 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 5 13°~1° 6 4°~0° 7 4°~-3° 8 3°~-2° 9 2°~-3° 10 2°~-2° 11 3°~-1° 12 3°~0...
1995. The stratigraphy of the Gault Formation (Middle & Upper Al- bian) in the BGS Arlesey Borehole, Bedfordshire. Pro- ceedings of the Geologists' Association, 106, 271-280.Woods, M.A., I.P. Wilkinson & P.M. Hopson, 1995. The stratigraphy of the Gault Formation (Middle and Upper ...
I live in Arlesey - a small village in Bedfordshire, with my wife Jo and my two boys, Jack seven and Leo two. My main passions in life when I'm not designing are all things Batman, Cricket, Football and Doctor Who. I'm also an avid gamer and I love drawingcartoons. ...
Arlesey Central Bedfordshire - United Kingdom 2024-11-06 2024-11-06 12:4110° Cloudy AQI 22 Today: It's Overcast, the temperature is about the same as yesterday. AQI is good. 8KM/H SSE 94% Humidity Low UV 9° Feels Like 19km Visibility 0.0mm Precipitation 1031hPa Pressure...
未来30天将有2天下雪,9天下雨,最高温13°(11月09日),最低温0°(12月02日,12月03日)。 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 5 8°~5° 6 12°~9° 7 12°~3° 8 10°~7° 9 13°~6° 10 12°~6° 11 11°~7° 12 11°~7° 13