Arkansas would again make headlines after the Supreme Court case Brown v. Topeka Board of Education in 1957. Then Governor Orval Faubus sent the Arkansas National Guard to prevent African Americans from entering Little Rock's Central High School. President Eisenhower sent troops to help escort the...
Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark case that guarantees a woman’s right to abortion. The Arkansas abortion ban makes no exceptions in cases of rape or incest, and goes further than abortion restrictions passed in South Carolina and other states, which banned...
challenged the Arkansas Act in the Eastern District of Arkansas, alleging that ERISA pre-empts the Act.5The district court agreed,6relying on the Eighth Circuit's decision inPharmaceutical Care Management Association v. Gerhart—a parallel case brought by the PCMA challenging a similar...
On July 1, 1971, The Washington Post headline informed the world that a landmark Supreme Court case gave The New York Times and The Washington Post the right to print the material without fear of government retribution. President Nixon demonized the media as unpatriotic, a sentiment that ...
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Similar Cases Johnson & Johnson v. Fortis Advisors LLC Amagasu v. Fred Beans Family of Dealerships Search Search all cases Search Recent case activity by issue Administrative Law and Government Litigation Arbitration Capital Mark...
Arkansas Supreme Court Rule 4-1(e) requires that parties filing briefs provide a bookmark to each section of the brief required by Rule 4-2. Those sections are the cover, table of contents, points on appeal, table of authorities, jurisdictional statement, statement of the case and facts, ...
Pulaski County Circuit Judge Morgan "Chip" Welch filed to run for the Supreme Court seat currently held by Justice Jo Hart, who hasn't said if she'll seek re-election. Barbara Webb, the chief administrative law judge for the Workers Compensation Commission, has also said she'...
Arkansas voters decide Ballot Issues 1, 2; Issue 3 nullifed by Supreme Court Updated: Nov. 7, 2024 at 12:08 AM GMT+8| By Brittney Hazelton On Tuesday, Nov. 5, Arkansas voters went to the polls to determine the results of two ballot issues. Votes toward the third issue did not count...
The Supreme Court's 2015 legalization of same-sex marriage was seen as a watershed moment in the movement for equality for LGBTQ+ Americans. In the years since, more people openly identify as LGBTQ+:a full 5.6% of American adults in 2021, according to one Gallup survey. ...
Supreme Court vacates class certification and holds that generic nature of allegedly misleading statements must be considered before certifying a class—not only when determining, later in the case, whether the statements induced reliance and inflated th