Election Information for El Dorado and Union County It is often difficult to find information on local candidates and ballot issues.Welcome to VoteElDorado.com. It is our goal to provide information to the local voter on candidates, ballot issues, and voting logistics. We have no agenda or pr...
"A good place to start finding Arkansas candidates is at Politics1."--Batesville Daily Guard ELECTION CALENDAR: Filing Deadline (Major Parties): November 2025 Filing Deadline (Third Parties): March 2026 Primary: March 2026 Run-Off: April 2026CANDIDATE DIRECTORY LEGEND: ...
— how much more Republican or Democratic a jurisdiction is than the country overall — to give you an idea of how competitive each general election will be, as well as whether the parties are choosing the candidates with the best chance to win in November. Kentucky Races to watch:6th Congr...
The chair of the Craighead County Election Commission did not return a call Tuesday afternoon. Early voting began Monday for the state's May 24 primary. Bequette is one of three candidates challenging Boozman in the Republican Senate primary. Conservative activist Jan Morgan and Stuttgart p...
In 2016, Donald Trump stunned the American electorate and the entire world when he first defeated a robust and crowded field of Republican primary candidates and eventually, Democrat Hillary Clinton in the general election. A political outsider with a long and scandalous public life, Trump defied ...
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Hundreds of candidates for state and federal office are expected to begin filing to run in Arkansas' 2020 election.
In 2016, Donald Trump stunned the American electorate and the entire world when he first defeated a robust and crowded field of Republican primary candidates and eventually, Democrat Hillary Clinton in the general election. A political outsider with a long and scandalous public life, Trump defied ...
Sanders, who published a book last year and joined Fox News as a contributor after leaving the White House, enters the race with a much higher profile than any of the candidates. But she remains an unknown on many of the state’s biggest issues and has said she doesn’t want to distrac...
{"displayText":"Gun Control","id":102431572,"img":"https://assets-cdn.abcotvs.net/static/images/Election/issues_backgrounds/GunControl.jpg","tag":"GunControl2024"}],"shortDisplayText":"Candidates on the Issues"},"key":"2024_general_election_configuration-110070945","keyRaces":{"...
In 2016, Donald Trump stunned the American electorate and the entire world when he first defeated a robust and crowded field of Republican primary candidates and eventually, Democrat Hillary Clinton in the general election. A political outsider with a long and scandalous public life, Trump defied ...