Commissioners passed the regulations to set the 2024-25 hunting seasons and 2025 fishing regulations at Thursday’s meeting in El Dorado. Bear huntingopportunities in northwest Arkansas will also increase, with the archery quota in Bear Zone 1 rising from 400 to 450, reflecting a robust black bea...
May 24, 2024 Arkansas hunters harvested and checked 9,335 turkeys during the 2024 hunting season. LITTLE ROCK — According to the latest harvest statistics compiled through the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission licensing system, Arkansas hunters harvested 9,335 turkeys during the 2024 annual turkey ...
Duxmen Outfitters is 100% booked already for the 2023-24 season ! We are booking for the 2024-2025 season now ! Book your Arkansas Duck Hunting trip today by visiting our website! We shot 3976 birds this past season !!
LITTLE ROCK — The first segment of the 2024-25 Arkansas youth deer hunting season runs Nov. 2-3, and many young guns will be celebrating their first deer hunting trip, first deer of the season and the beginning of their conservation journey as a hunter. Make sure they have all the ...
We value the heritage, habitat and traditions of hunting and the Great Outdoors, and we’re committed to preserving them for future generations. That’s why we’re proud supporters of hunting and shooting organizations that share our passion for the outdoors. In addition, we believe in supportin...
The Arkansas CW Crew website where you will find information on festivals, fashion, community events plus, we have a Travel, Cooking and a Ghost Hunting series.
AGFC Wildlife Management Division staffers Tristan Bulice, Jason “Buck” Jackson, William Guy, Alex Zachary and Derek Furr conducted the first aerial survey of the 2024-25 survey season. 2024 winds down with better habitat The recent trend of si...
I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. Happy 2024 to all of you! “The fishing has been in transitional from a late fall to ‘welcome to winter’ bite here on Beaver Lake. The water temps are in low 40s to upper 30s up into the river arms. Water level is at 1,...
hunting, provided the handgun is lawfully possessed and is for personal protection and not used for hunting. However, it is unlawful to have a firearm in your immediate possession while hunting bear, deer, or turkey with archery tackle, except when and where a firearms bear or deer season is...
BURKS BREAKDOWN: New York Jets We evaluate Zach Wilson, area's fishing and hunting to see if fit for Hog, SEC top receiver Time for Jerry Jones to Turn the Wildcat Loose Stop building trust funds and be the wildcatter you are Mr. Jones...