Help in finding attorneys, therapists, educational consultants, psychologists, diagnosticians, health care providers, tutors, coaches, and advocates for children with learning disabilities and special education needs
Special education College & Career Readiness opportunities NCAA-approved courses Dual-credit with participating universities, including partnerships with eight colleges and career & technical institutes Concurrent enrollment in college courses *AP® and Advanced Placement® are registered trademarks of the ...
Dept. of Education's Memo on NIL Memo states that NIL compensation 'must be made proportionately available to male and female athletes' 📲 via Bleacher Report Central Arkansas Basketball Latest MCBB Player of Year Rankings 🏅 Fierce competition chasing Flagg halfway through January 📲 ...
In her rookie year of 2011, her best finish was a tie for fifth at the Walmart NW Arkansas Championship by P&G. 2011年,首次作为职业选手参赛的莫佐,最好成绩是在由宝洁公司(P&G)举办的 W almart NW Arkansas锦标赛上获得并列第五。
University of Arkansas Medical Science 4301 W Markham St # 526 Little Rock, AR 72205-7101 501-686-6095 Washington Regional Medical Center 3215 N. North Hills Blvd (WRMC Education Dept.) Fayetteville, AR 72703-4007 479-463-1299 St. Edward Mercy Medical Center 7301 Rodgers Ave Receiving Fort...
The ultimate goal was to reestablish breastfeeding as the cultural norm in Arkansas, primarily through education of health professionals and individuals, and dissemination of positive breastfeeding information. The Office of Breastfeeding Services addressed these issues through a promotional campaign within...
Dept. of Agriculture is helping fund cutting-edge biotechnology research on corn at Arkansas State University and the University of Arkansas-Little Rock. Dr. Elizabeth Hood, distinguished professor of agriculture at A-State, joined us to discuss the research team’s work, which could ultimately ...
of Education approved reorganization of districts along district lines which facilitated the segregated system of public education then required by Arkansas law. It would be sheer fantasy to say that the school districts in Sevier County could be realigned today in the same manner that they were ...
Ensure accuracy and compliance of commissioning and maintenance testing evidence with NERC/SERC regulations. Administrator for NERC and non-Bulk Electric System (BES) evidence; Power Delivery annual capital/maintenance budgets; monthly Operations and maintenance (O&M) Variance Reports, Dept. performance ...
Health educationThe author sought to ensure the delivery of quality clinical care that is consistent with current prenatal standards. A maternity nurse practitioner was hired to revise public health nurse protocols, develop quality assurance testing protocols for local health departments, establish a ...