Locating the court records you need for the Eastern District of Arkansas from the Public Access to Court Electronic Records, or PACER, can be expensive, difficult, and time-consuming. Each day, UniCourt gathers court data for all of the new federal civil cases in the Eastern District of Arka...
To get divorced in Arkansas, parties must wait until the 30-day waiting period has passed. The countdown starts from the date when the paperwork is submitted to the court. Uncontested cases may be finalized shortly after the waiting period is over, while disputed ones may require multiple cour...
Use the link to the Administrative Office of the Courts above "Arkansas Court Records: Criminal cases, civil filings, divorces, bankruptcy, and judgments. That will take you to a list of ways to search for criminal cases freely by name, case number, and a few other choices. Open-Public-...
Instant National 46 State$59.95 Arkansas County$24.95 (Non-Instant) Arkansas Courts Record Background Check: This Administration of Courts (AOC) search includes criminal circuit court records from Arkansas circuit courts. Data includes felony, misdemeanor, and violation offenses. This data may i...
Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark case that guarantees a woman’s right to abortion. The Arkansas abortion ban makes no exceptions in cases of rape or incest, and goes further than abortion restrictions passed in South Carolina and other states, which banned...
[if] . . . the guardianship is no longer necessary or for the best interest of the ward.”2 While this statute might appear to be straightforward, there have been four major Arkansas Supreme Court cases in the last six years or so dealing with this issue, each of them with a ...
We have served as a "Neutral Expert for the Court" on multiple Electronic Discovery cases. Ask about our distinctive process known as "Forensics eDiscovery." Expert Witness Services Our Lab Director, Neil Broom, has been appointed to the Los Angeles Superior Court Panel of Expert Witnesses for...
A small claims case must be filed within 3 or 5 years depending on whether the lease agreement was oral or written. An attorney is not permitted. Cases are filed in theSmall Claims Courtfor the county where the property is located or where the defendant lives. The filing fee varies by c...
The Clerk, also in this capacity, maintains all records relative to adoptions and guardianship cases within the county. The County Clerk shall serve, unless otherwise designated by county ordinance, as the Secretariat of the Quorum Court. These duties involve keeping a complete permanent record of ...
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