Arkansas Agriculture Yielding over $16 billion in revenues every year, agriculture is the state’s largest industry. ARFB stands with the 50,000 Arkansas family farms who produce the wide variety of crops grown in our state. Get to know more about Arkansas growers and what they bring to the...
The Farm Bureau Promise For over 70 years local agents and adjusters have served communities all over Arkansas. Our dedication to the families we serve has never faltered.LearnMore With DriveDown, Safe Driving Saves When you drive safely you can DriveDown your deductible. Ready to start saving...
From unique educational materials to public outreach, Farm Bureau is making sure that tomorrow’s leaders understand today where their food comes from and why that is so important. In the Community The relationship between farms and communities is as old as civilization. From promoting farmers marke...
Sign-In Activities & Agendas Legislative Updates Portal Home County Leader PortalSign In Please enter the username and password provided to you. Username* Password* Sign In American Farm Bureau Privacy Policy Tems of Use Legal Notice ©2024 Arkansas Farm Bureau. All Rights Reserverd....
Comprehensive Insurance Policies for Everything On Your Farm As a farmer, your work is built on a promise—to the land as well as the community. At Farm Bureau Insurance, our work is built on a promise to you. Your farm is unique. ...
Arkansas Farm Bureau backs animal cruelty billANDREW DeMILLO
The article announces that Tony, Phillip, and Beth DeSalvo from Big D Ranch in Conway County, Arkansas won the 2012 Arkansas Farm Family of the Year from the Arkansas Farm Bureau, along with district winners such as Gene and Mary Jo Crouch, Tom and Margaret Vanemburg, and Keith and Jill...
ARFB·Arkansas AgCast, 2/4 | Grain Prices, Policy Updates & More
ARFB·Arkansas AgCast 1/28/21 | Meet a Local Produce Grower
Lastly, Jonesboro, the county seat for Craighead County has a population of more than 100,000 residents and supports the second largest university in the state; Arkansas State University with 25,000+ enrollments (ASU website 2017). Although this region of Arkansas doesn’t have the quantity of...