River watershed in St. Francis County. Ken Brazil, of the Arkansas Soil & Water Conservation Commission, emphasizes the impor- tance of GIS as a tool for analyzing Arkansas’wetland resources: "When evaluating new programs and pro- posals, the ability to combine and view data from ...
GIs were housed in the hotel upon return from overseas as they awaited reassignment or discharge. On December 15, 1945, the hotel reopened and this grand opening was attended by the famous actor, Alan Ladd, known for his television show, “Candid Camera”. Phyllis Diller, Guy Lombardo, ...
Partitioned Mahalanobis D to Improve GIS Classification Lynette Duncan, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR James E. Dunn, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, ARDuncan, Lynette
Our scholarships have varying criteria which are based on, college, major, GPA, state residency, graduate from a specific High School, county, or extracurricular activities to name a few. There is no guarantee you will receive a scholarship, but if you take the time to complete the ...
During the summer of 2005 a geophysical survey of Lake Wedington, Washington County, Arkansas was performed using a dual frequency (28/200 kHz) echo sounding system to collect bathymetric data. These data, along with Geographic Information System (GIS) software, were used to produce detailed maps...
According to the national hydrology dataset, a county has an average of 29 miles of flow length through streams, rivers, lakes, and any other open water (OpenWater) [25]. We also collected three variables to gage the level of irrigation infrastructure in a county (BarrierPipe, CanalDitch, ...
NATA provides exposure levels for air toxics in micrograms per cubic meter and county-by-county air quality and toxic emissions. We ran a linear regression analysis in Excel to examine the influence of benzene and TCE exposure on CTCL incidence by county. Certain counties had limited cases; ...