ARK Unity is your comprehensive online companion for ARK: Survival Ascended. This detailed platform offers invaluable resources such as a taming calculator, breeding calculator, command references, base spots, and comprehensive resource and spawn maps. ARK: Survival Ascended is reimagined from the ground...
自上市以来,Unity一直是木头姐的重仓股之一,最高时ARK基金持仓市值一度超过15亿美元。据LiveReport大数据,截至2023年9月18日,ARK各子基金共持有Unity超1000万股,为第12大持仓股。 在美联储持续加息的背景下,近两年来Unity股价的下跌也让木头姐损失不小,目前ARK对Unity的持仓成本预估为63.265美元,亏损幅度达47%。不...
ARK Unity for ASA 评分及评论 3.6(满分 5 分) 200 个评分2012 1216 , 2024/12/02 不会玩 咋玩? Jhgvfrrcchuted , 2025/01/26 这严都不严? 这东西真是4岁+? qetuikkb , 2025/01/10 方舟生存进化 不是这个怎么玩啊,谁会呀? 砦七 , 2025/01/03 你仔细看你们这只是个工具 ...
Get ready for adventure with 'ARK Unity'! Your all-in-one helper for ARK! Whether you're a rookie explorer or a seasoned survivor, this comprehensive guide app…
3、加仓Unity约3499万美元,该股最近一周下跌10.34% 最近一周,ARK增持了元宇宙概念股Unity(U.US)104.18万股,涉及资金约3499万美元。但最近一周该股股价下跌了10.34%。截至目前,ARK累计持有Unity1025.85万股股份,占ARK持仓的2.31%。根据捷利交易宝的成本估算,ARK关于该股的持仓目前浮亏大约49%。4、买入...
Two man tribe as of now. Looking for new tribemates. We always play on official servers but we're actually about to transfer to a new server and build a fresh new metal base. Just looking for active trustworthy members that enjoy the game! GT: REALLYxDER
ARK 11月29日共有39笔交易,前一交易日为12笔,个股成交额较大;买入Robinhood、Twilio、Palantir等,卖出Unity Software、京东、腾讯等。 据悉,今年以来,ARK Innovation ETF已跌逾14%,相较之下,标普500指数则上涨了23.4%。晨星公司的数据显示,由于表现不佳,ARK Innovation ETF成为今年迄今表现最差的中型成长基金之一;...
$Reinvent(RTP)$$谷歌C(GOOG)$$Unity(U)$ 核心观点: 1)本日Ark增持力度仍然偏低,RTP获增持4.35%,GOOG获增持4.28%,U获增持1.60%。本日Ark的减持集中在少数几支个股上,SYRS遭减持44.90%,PSTI遭减持12.80%,TCS LI遭减持8.68%。 2)本日浮盈表现不甚乐观,TCS LI浮盈达到78.16%,PACB浮盈达到47.60%,RBLZ浮盈...
本周ARK还大幅加仓了Unity Software(U),ARKK在2月8日买入逾41.9万股,价值逾5000万美元。目前,ARKK持仓比例达到1.6147%;ARKW的比例为1.446%,持有总市值达到5.85亿美元。 Unity通过其开发平台上的工具帮助约150万视频游戏开发人员实现游戏的初始构建。在ARK最新周报中,ARK分析师Nicholas Grous指出:“在虚拟世界中,游戏...
unity-js-tools Some tools for unity-js, compiled from Rust to Wasm. Include PSeitz/lz4_flex UniversalGameExtraction/texture2ddecoder Notice wasm-bindgen seems to have some kind of flaw that causes bit operations to be incorrect in rare cases. This causes some texture decoding methods need to ...