Achatina玛瑙螺 华为翻译,恐龙名有的无法翻译 (ah-kah-tee-na)是一种无脊椎动物,或者更具体地说,是一种陆生腹足类软体动物,在ARK:生存进化。基本信息 档案 这一部分的目的是准确复制幸存者海伦娜沃克,档案的作者,已经写了什么。这段文字和游戏中的生物之间可能
Industrial Grill Industrial Grinder. Modified the stack size on various items: Veggie Cake 5 -> 10 Raw Meat 20 -> 40 Cooked Meat 30 -> 50 Sap 20 -> 30 Fiber 200 -> 300 Thatch 100 -> 200 Organic Polymer 10 -> 20 Vacuum Compartment 100 -> 5 ...
500 ×Polymer, Organic Polymer, or Corrupted Nodule 500 ×Electronics 150 ×Black Pearl ExpandTotal Base Ingredients TheTek ATV, formerly known asDune Buggy, is a driveable modern vehicle with storage. It is a functional vehicle with seats for a driver and a passenger, both of which can use...
AnglerGel • Beer Jar • Black Pearl • Broth of Enlightenment • Clay • Feces • Deathworm Horn • Eggs • Giant Bee Honey • Golden Hesperornis Egg • Leech Blood • Mushroom (Aggeravic, Aquatic, Ascerbic, Auric) • Nameless Venom • Organic Polymer • Plant Speci...
If you use the Wiki Spawn Map, uncheck the "Space_Gen2" box. You are VERY unlikely to find them in these areas. To the ones that don't: stay to the West of 50 Longitude. In any case, try to stay at more or less the level of the bridges. All Voidwyrm Tips...
(ItemClassString="PrimalItemResource_Polymer_Organic_C",Quantity=(MaxItemQuantity=100,bIgnoreMultiplier=true)) ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity=(ItemClassString="PrimalItemResource_PreservingSalt_C",Quantity=(MaxItemQuantity=10,bIgnoreMultiplier=true)) ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity=(ItemClassString="PrimalItem...
But someone already had a good solution, organic polymer instead of corrupted nodules for kibble, that is, if they will go through with changing it to that. 十二月 9, 2018 196 条回复 What's Next: Structures Plus & Kibble Rework 主题回复 Savoroot的Jen,在分类 Announcements About the ...
它跟俄罗斯套娃差不多,我们先来看看方舟wiki提供的钓鱼物品,就很容易看懂了。也可以参阅:修改宝箱物品中关键参数的解释 里面被分成7个组,每个组的概率不同,像南巨鞍、霸王龙鞍、连发霰弹枪被分到了3%概率的一组。(实际上我们钓到的东西更多的是20%的那一组) ...
Step 3 look at the ark wiki and find the nearest metal rocks (the gold ones). Step four Christopher Columbus your a$$ over there. Step five for longer stays make a little house nothing fancy even 2 foundations a bed and storage with some backup gear will do. Step six get that metal...