70TranqArrow麻醉箭皮手套26HideGloves 71PistolHatSkin27ChitinLeggings甲壳护腿 72GPS全球定位系统28ChitinChestpiece甲壳胸甲 73Flint燧石29ChitinHelmet甲壳头盔 74MetalIngot金属锭30ChitinBoots甲壳靴 75Thatch茅草甲壳护手31ChitinGauntlets76Fiber石箭32StoneArrow纤维 ...
21、ring65 White Coloring66 Brown Coloring67 Cyan Coloring68 Purple Coloring69 Rex Saddle70 Tranq Arrow71 Pistol Hat Skin72 GPS73 Flint74 Metal Ingot75 Thatch76 Fiber77 Charcoal78 Crystal79 Thatch Roof80 Thatch Door81 Thatch Foundation82 Thatch Wall83 Thatch Doorframe84 Wooden Catwalk85 Wooden ...
Tranq Arrow麻醉箭 皮手套26 Hide Gloves 71 Pistol Hat Skin 27 Chitin Leggings甲壳护腿 72 GPS全球定位系统 28 Chitin Chestpiece甲壳胸甲 73 Flint燧石 29 Chitin Helmet甲壳头盔 74 Metal Ingot 金属锭 30 Chitin Boots甲壳靴 75 Thatch茅草 甲壳护手31 Chitin Gauntlets76 Fiber石箭32 Stone Arrow 纤维 77 ...
UnBanPlayerUnbansuserfromserver后面加玩家ID,将玩家取消踢出 AdminCheatDamageTargetDamagesacreatureyouarelookingatforasetamount伤害当前所看的目标 AdminCheatDestroyAllEnemiesDestroysallenemies.Theyrespawnafterawhile.杀死所有的恐龙,过一会会重生出来 GiveEngramsunlocksallcraftingrecipesforyourcharacter-*Bugged-Youcan...
图片名称物品生物ID类型modid 高级子弹245弹药- 高级步枪子弹246弹药- 制式狙击步枪子弹AdvancedSniperBullet弹药- 信息素镖AggroTranqDart弹药- 火箭ArrowFlame弹药- 石箭32弹药- 麻醉箭70弹药- 弩箭BallistaArrow弹药- 巨石Boulder弹药- 火炮弹丸CannonBall弹药- ...
Bola them when on they have landed. KO one with tranq arrow to the head and repeat to all nearby dimorphs. Select which ones you want to tane based on level and sex and kill the rest. 15points🥚 Taming & KOJun 23, 2023Report ...
ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity=(ItemClassString="PrimalItemAmmo_ArrowTranq_C",Quantity=(MaxItemQuantity=543, bIgnoreMultiplier=true)) this will make the Tranqarrows stack to 543 items per stack bAllowUnlimitedRespecs=<value> value = boolean (true/false)Default = false Set to true to allow...
70 Tranq Arrow麻醉箭 71 Pistol Hat Skin 72 GPS全球定位系统 73 Flint燧石 74 Metal Ingot金属锭 75 Thatch茅草 76 Fiber纤维 77 Charcoal木炭 78 Crystal水晶 79 Thatch Roof茅草屋顶 80 Thatch Door茅草屋的门 81 Thatch Foundation茅草地基 82 Thatch Wall茅草墙 83 Thatch Doorframe茅草屋的门框 84 Wooden...
Apex thorny dragon spines do damage and torpor like a toxic tranq arrow Increased base damage of all primal metal arrows Added explosion code to explosive arrows so it should scale with % damage of bow Adjusted third person view on fabled roll rat Rebalanced narcotic, weapon, and ammo engrams...
One thing to note is that the Mosasaur has lots of torpor and is very resilient to torpor so bring more tranq arrow/dart Another strategy is to create a makeshift cage with four Behemoth Stone Dinosaur Gateways in a row, with two Behemoth Reinforced Dinosaur Gates set in the front and ba...