1. Get a bow and a tranq arrow 2. Get 1 narcotic 1-5 for levels 3. Kill a scorpion and get the chitin 4. Knock out and feed chitin 5. You have a living parachute So now you what good it is, it has downsides as well:
More than tranq arrow more than dart less than shocking dart. 1 trike horn 25 thatch 5 wood 40 fiber Requires spear and pike engrams. This took looong to type please read the whole way thru. 145 points 📖 Stories Mar 3, 2021 Report Actually, I hadn’t planned on taming one ...
Information: This status effect can be caused by the attack of the Pulmonoscorpius, Araneo, Beelzebufo, Titanoboa, Thorny Dragon, Reaper Queen, Basilisk, Broodmother Lysrix and other creatures, or a player's Tranquilizer Arrow, Tranquilizer Dart, or Tranq Spear Bolt. It increases your Torpidity...
Information: This status effect can be caused by the attack of the Pulmonoscorpius, Araneo, Beelzebufo, Titanoboa, Thorny Dragon, Reaper Queen, Basilisk, Broodmother Lysrix and other creatures, or a player's Tranquilizer Arrow, Tranquilizer Dart, or Tranq Spear Bolt. It increases your Torpidity...
Mejoberry for Herbivores and Raw Meat for Carnivores). For the Tranq Arrow number it is assumed they hit the body, if there are no other annotations, using a Crossbow. Targeting the head is more effective for most creatures. For additional info on the food and time needed for each creatu...
This weapon can use a great variety of ammo types such as; Stone Arrows, Tranq Arrows, and Flame Arrows. The Crossbow comes with the unique ability to attach a zip-line anchor to the other end, turning the weapon into a makeshift grapple. ...
TheBowandStone Arroware the most important and most used tools for ranged attacks for beginners and allow you to fight from a distance without getting hurt. You can makeTranq Arrowsat later levels that will help you knock out creatures for easier taming. ...
The optimal setup for doing this method would be to build a structure to trap a wild Argentavis, and then tranq it until it loses aggro. Once this has happened, find and kill a small creature that can be dragged and drag it into the enclosure. The Argentavis will eventually eat it and...
I tried to tame a couple pteras along the way but ran into many new-guy issues, like not having enough tranq arrows, or narcotics, or meat, or getting harassed so badly by seagulls and dilos that I just couldn't stay any longer. Anyway, I made it home ...
you can also run that commandline after the designated period to have the event continue, or opt-out using: -ActiveEvent=None The skins added to the event, are the following: - Brachiosaurus (Brontosaurus Skin) - Stygimoloch (Pachycephalosaurus Skin) ...