His face fur, cheeks, and skull helmet change color according to the difficulty, turning green on Gamma difficulty, blue on Beta difficulty, and red on Alpha difficulty. Alpha is the strongest of the three variants. This guide will explain everything related to the Dinopithecus King Boss in...
Domesticated: For the few survivors who are brave and/or crazy enough to go inside of the mouth (and get covered in saliva) of the largest carnivore on The Island, Livyatan is an excellent battle mount. Its sheer strength, being able to break even metal, makes it invaluable in under...
The Answers in Genesis Privacy Policy (the Privacy Policy) outlines the information that Answers in Genesis gathers, how we use that information, and the options you have to access, correct, or delete such information. (The Privacy Policy relates to Answers in Genesis operations in the United ...
Boss fight payouts are unbalanced compared to other maps and element farming on other maps. 320 for hard is too low considering the time it takes to farm the fights. The map will be obsolete at these rates for the majority of the community. Either change the requirements or change the ...
Megapithecus is one of the boss monsters you’ll face against inArk Valguero.This creature resembles an oversized modern gorilla with thick fur and dark silver skin. Apart from Valguero, it can also be found on The Island and The Center maps. ...
Las arenas de jefes (Boss Arenas en la versión original del juego) son una de las mecánicas del juego disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved. On The Island, there are four Arenas for fighting the game's Bosses: Broodmother Lysrix, Megapithecus, Dragon, a
In particular, one boss to defeat in ARK is Broodmother Lysrix, which you can find on The Island and The Center maps. Broodmother Lysrix Location and Tribute Requirements Before version 239.0, you can locate the Broodmother Lysrix walking on the overworld. After that patch, you can now ...
The Dragon Arena, also known as Nerva Volcano is an arena for fighting the Dragon boss. The Temperatures are 45 °C / 113 °F so bring good hyperthermal protection. Calien Soup is highly recommended! The Dragon Arena itself is located beneath the red ob
This means it is currently impossible to make alterations to the King Titan's colors. Tribute RequirementsThe following items are needed to open the King Titan Portal: Item RequiredGammaBetaAlpha Player Level 1 1 1 Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth 5 10 10 Corrupt Heart 150 300 300 Giganotosaurus...
**UPDATE**THIS HAS TO BE DONE ON THE MAP 'THE ISLAND'. For those of you missing a note try AlphaSignal's suggestion in the comments below, tell him thanks if that's the one you're missing.'There is a new explorer note from "???" at the back of the arena in which you fight...