“Ark: The Animated Series”, directed by Jay Oliva, is based on Studio Wildcard’s action-adventure video game “Ark: Survival Evolved”, streaming April 19, 2024 on Paramount+:“…in a sweeping saga spanning eons of human history, 21st century paleontologist ‘Helena Walker’ finds herself...
Featuring a star-studded cast including Michelle Yeoh, Gerard Butler, Russell Crowe, David Tennant and Vin Diesel, ARK: The Animated Series is now streaming in the US and Canada. Coming to other countries with Paramount+ starting April 19th. Aligning with the release of ARK...
‘Lanterns’: Ulrich Thomsen Set to Play Sinestro in Upcoming HBO-DCU Series!! ‘Suits: LA’ Trailer Sees Stephen Amell Deal with Crisis!! Check It Out!! ‘The Man With the Bag’: Awkwafina Joins Arnold Schwarzenegger, Alan Ritchson led New Christmas Comedy!! Check It Out!!
We know many of you have also been waiting expectantly for news on the Animated Series, and we’re so looking forward to being able to share more with everyone about it. The Series now has fourteen 30-minute episodes in post-production! To celebrate ...
2023 looks to be another stellar year to go to the movies. On the animated and comic book side of the new year, no film is as highly anticipated as Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. The sequel to the critically beloved 2018 Oscar-winner finally hits theaters this June, and in a ne...
“The servers are ass,” Stieglitz said during the Extra Life Charity Stream onTwitch. “They run like ass, and their stability is ass.” First announced in April, Ark: Survival Ascended is a current-gen reworking of Studio Wildcard’s own hit,Ark: Survival Evolved. Shifting platforms to ...
A lot of streamers like to have their subs come and play with them, because stuff is so permanent on the servers, and if you want people to come play with you it’s a big ordeal. You need server passwords. Whereas if you’ve got a game mode that lasts one day of streaming, they...
If you’ve been waiting for the Ark Animated Series release date on Paramount+, you don’t have to wait anymore. Lost Continent Entertainment shadow dropped the survival game adaptation series’ first six episodes on Paramount’s streaming platform in the U.S. and Canada over three years ...
Free DLC 'Lost Island' is now available! Introducing a new map with over 150 sq km playable area, and 3 new creatures; the Amargasaurus, Dinopithecus, and Sinomacrops! Winter Wonderland will be making a triumphant return with new presents and goodies for ARK survivors. Use the...
Like all major studios, Warners has the dilemma during the pandemic of what to do with their event films on the shelf, while trying to leverage their streaming service. But there are theaters which were bareknuckling the pandemic, and they couldn’t live without WW1984 making another ...