cheatwalk:关闭穿墙模式 生物相关命令: cheatSetTargetDinoColor<区域><颜色编号>:给当前目标染色 cheatForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe<玩家名>:将指定玩家加入目标部落 cheatAddExperience<经验值><是否为共享经验>:增加经验值 cheatsetbabyage<百分比>:设置宝宝生长进度 cheatslay<生物ID>:杀死指定生物
Admin / Trusted Player Tool - Game Save Visualiser 主题回复Sirendire的MirageUK,在分类PC Server Administration I have not done any character restores but we have not wiped in an extended time. 二月21, 2022 1,905 条回复 With the new commands to teleport dinos that use the Dino ID This could...
Ark cheats let you enter all sorts of console commands to enable god mode, level up instantly, teleport, spawn items, instantly tame dinosaurs, unlock all the engrams, summon creatures, and more. Ark cheats are primarily used in singleplayer mode, but you can also use them in multiplayer ...
Those last five lines seem to both 100% prove that Genesis revolves around a simulation, and also suggest that while Helena and The Visitor can go into or out of the simulation and move around in it, they don't actually control it or anything it creates. Hence, it creates stuff...
A resurrected dino is imprinted to the player who resurrected it. This effectively allows you to transfer the imprint of a "resurrectable" dino from one player to another, or give imprint to a wild tamed dino 6points🔧 UtilityJan 20, 2024Report ...
Dino ReplayIntro ForcePoop ClearCryoSickness Ark: Survival Evolved cheats: server (Image credit: Wildcard) As an admin, there is a lot you can do to the server you're in. These cheats are all about changing the world itself or player management. Within this list is the ability to level...
14、oggleGun Toggles visibility of current equipped item 以后拆备物品隐形 开/闭SetTimeOfDay Changes time of day 设准时间 (前面要减光阴 如 settimeofday 04:00)SetPlayerPos 0 0 0 Allows you to teleport to coordinates. 传递到座标( 如 setplayerpos 12,12,132)SaveWorld Saves current worldstate 脚...
Fixed another exploit involving players getting under the terrain, and if you do get under the terrain somehow you will be teleported back above it. You can now attach electric generators to electric cables after placing cables, they will snap accordingly ...
TPCoords <Lat> <Lon> <Altitude> - Teleports player to specified coordinates Ark: Survival Evolved Destroy Commands DestroyAll <Type> - Destroys all buildings and creatures of specified type, regardless if wild or tamed DestroyAllEnemies - Destroys all non-player creatures on the map. Doesn't ...
AdminCheat SetPlayerPos 0 0 0 Allows you to teleport to coordinates. 传送到座标( 如 setplayerpos 12,12,132)AdminCheat SaveWorld Saves current worldstate 手动储存 AdminCheat Quit Exits the current world. Use after saving for a safe shutdown. 离开游戏 AdminCheat ExecSetSleeping True...