Ark Survival Evolved; The Genesis Trip, A Most Strange Adventure of Survival. This story is inspired by the present undertaking of Elan Musk to build star ships capable of placing settlements on Mars, the political turmoil that took place in the later half of 2021, the newly released paid DL...
Ark: Survival Evolved places you in an incredible and mysterious world filled with some insane dinosaurs. There are hundreds of dinosaurs, and each of them are completely different from one another. Some fly, some spit fire, some wield lightning, etc. This list goes on and on. In a game ...
It made it easy to build when you set up camp in a futuristic arcade. She said she built them as well as the ones on the Ark. And she did, though he wished that she didn’t. He wished that she made them a little more unique. The ones back on the Ark looked like pot belly ...
” I say hesitantly, before drinking a slight bit myself. The taste is absolutely terrifying and bitter, even gritty. I spring onto my feet, dropping and spilling the bowl on the ground. “Ok that's NASTY!” I shriek, quickly taking out a water jar that I had made to replace my...
My latest game play adventure in Ark Survival Evolved. The map; The official release of Forjor. Settings; Single player with taming, harvesting, leveling set at 3X. MODS; Ultra Stacks. Kraken’s Better Dinos. Castle, Keeps, and Forts Remastered. Echos Vi
It is around noon when Pete reaches the pond where he and his friends had built their survival camp. However, the area looks exactly like it did before anything was built there. So, Pete has to start gathering the materials to build a thatch hut up on the sandstone cliff before it g...