Ark Survival Evolved; The Genesis Trip, A Most Strange Adventure of Survival. This story is inspired by the present undertaking of Elan Musk to build star ships capable of placing settlements on Mars, the political turmoil that took place in the later half of 2021, the newly released paid DL...
- said rainwater. - well, i hunted on a pack by years and years, i lose it due to a high leveled human with high leveled tames. Luckly i survived.- said curry. Would you like to read curry's story? Hit /\ for the next chapter and the next chapter will be at raptor stories! 4...
1point📖 Stories8 days agoReport here's a very cool tip to make ur spino stronger: get ur spy glass in ur hotbar, then mount ur spino, after that, use the walking thingy mode (whatever it's called), after all that, use the attack button then use the spyglass just quick enough t...
Ark: Survival Evolved | PS4 In this MMO survival game, you awaken on the shores of a mysterious island and must quickly adapt to everything its hostile environment throws at you. Harvest resources to craft items and build shelters, and use your newly crafted equipmen...
ドラゴンはARK: Survival Evolvedのボスの一つです。 The Islandでは、ドラゴンはDragon Arenaでのみ見つけることができます。この場所に行くには、プレイヤーは供給品クレートまたはオベリスクのいずれかに移動し、必要な貢物のアイテムを中に入れた後、Generate Dragon Po
ARK: Survival Evolved didn’t invent the survival genre of video games by any metric, but it sure did a lot to make it reach today’s standards, and is probably the first one to let you build a base on the back of a huge dinosaur! Altho...
The Island is the only map on ARK Survival Evolved: Mobile. In it, the ichthyornis, thylacoleo, hyaenodon, hesperornis, yutyrannus, megalania, kentrosaurus, ovis, and the giant bee have been removed. The megatherium, daeodon, pegomastax, troodon, and jerboa are only found in the dungeons and...
This section may contain spoilers related to the background-story of ARK: Survival Evolved.If you want to experience the story ingame, you probably shouldn't continue reading on this section. Interestingly enough, in one of his explorer notes, Dahkeya reports that the Wyverns just seemed to...
COMPLETE YOUR JOURNEY ARK: Genesis Parts 1 and 2 together conclude the epic saga of ARK: Survival Evolved -- the ultimate battle between the freedom to evolve, versus the oppression of controlling life’s creation. Which side wins out is up to you, Survivor. Your skills, your tames, your...
ARK: Survival Evolved Updates:will be limited to crashes and critical bug fixes. We plan to release a new canonical-story expansion pack for ARK: Survival Ascended that will be available in Q4 2023. This DLC will feature four new creatures, which we’ll share more details about later t...