If a player inArk: Survival Evolvedhas poor statsthen surviving will be an uphill battle. Stats play a vital role in distinguishing a successful game from an unsuccessful one. Since there are several stats to upgrade, choosing the appropriate one can be a bit challenging. However, there are ...
Greatly bolster stats (S indefinitely as long as the Spino is still within the water, and persist for 30 seconds upon leaving the water flooring. Rivalry! Сообщение: ' HUD-текст: ' Прочаяинформация: This status occurs when a Trike is near large...
cadon/ARKStatsExtractor Star491 A tool for the game ARK: Survival Evolved. Extracts possible levelups of creatures to get the values for breeding. With library and pedigree-view. gamearkgame-arkbreedingarksurvivalevolved UpdatedJan 19, 2025 ...
Dododex ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion Creatures▾ Items▾ More▾ NamelessNameless Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command 🦤 Help improve Dododex's admin commands tool. Take a 5-minute survey. Stats BASE STATS
ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion Creatures▾ Items▾ More▾ Dododex is committed to accuracy.Report Data Error Stats BASE STATS StatBase (Lvl 1) Increase Per Lvl (Wild) Increase Per Lvl (Tamed) Rank* Health 400+80+5.4% ...
满属性状态不掉饥饿、口渴、体力、弹夹等infinitestats 无限弹药这个就不用解释了toggleinfiniteammo 获得1000点经验值经验数值可自行调节addexperience 1000 1 1 人物恐龙快速满级人物或恐龙获得一百万点经验值addexperience 10000000 0 1 获得各种资源获得各种资源50个giveresources ...
这里可以先输入全属性无消耗(包括饥饿,寒冷,氧气,体力,弹夹等等)的代码infinitestats,以防止后面跑图奖杯出现各种意外,接着输入瞬移代码setplayerpos -102000 317800 -50000,立刻出现在海底,跳杯! Highest Peak 你到达了最高峰的顶端! 这个奖杯的地点在火山的西南角,比较高的一座山顶上,不用代码的需要先驯服飞行...
I began Ark: Survival Evolved about three years ago, I relied on Ark Wiki for quite awhile, it was useful, very useful, but extremely laggy at times. When I found DodoDex, nothing could have been better! It was so much faster and easier!
The ARK: Survival Evolved dedicated server has a wide variety of configuration options that control its behavior and adjust many aspects of the game. These are options that can only be set at server startup. Most options can be specified on the command line when launching the server or in...
Admin commands for Ark: Survival Evolved TGM This enables God mode in a quick and easy manner. GCM Gives your character Creative Mode, which unlocks all of the Engrams, makes you immortal, and grants you infinite body weight. You’ll also receive a Creative Mode rifle with three cycle sett...