TerrestrialAquaticTamableCarnivoresEarly GameARK: Survival AscendedARK: Survival Evolved MAPS The IslandThe CenterScorched EarthRagnarokValgueroAberrationExtinctionGenesisCrystal IslesGenesis Part 2Lost IslandFjordurAstraeosARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition SPAWN MAPSThe Island The Center Ragnarok Valguero Aberration Gene...
The Island The Center Scorched Earth Ragnarok Valguero Aberration Extinction Genesis Crystal Isles Genesis Part 2 Lost Island Fjordur Astraeos What does a Ankylosaurus eat? In ARK: Survival Evolved, the Ankylosaurus eats Regular Kibble, Dilophosaur Kibble, Fresh Sorghum, Archelon Algae, Crops, ...
The HUD in ARK: Survival Evolved contains important information for your survival. To hide the HUD completely press ← Backspace on and is available on consoles in the wheel menu. You can scale the Size of the HUD by going in the Options and slide around
can serve as good base locations. However, for the best ones, we have one at the corner tek tower at (81.6, 92.9). Despite being at the back corner of the map, this is a massive flat surface divided into different tiers. In this Ark Survival Ascended DLC, you can also build small...
Oil Below you will find some of the best locations to farmOil in Ark Lost Island. Location #1:31.5°, 24° Once you get to these coordinates, you will find a lot of oil veins under the lake. The veins are close, so you have to move a little around. ...
目前島上擁有12個資源洞窟,大多都是在水下發現,這些洞窟都不容易發現,但通常都有大量的[[Silica Pearls|含矽珍珠]]及[[Oil|油]],盡管提供的油比其他地區少。唯一的提示是小氣泡,顯示為細長白線。再較低的畫質設定,可以從洞穴的入口處看到海底一片灰色方塊。−...
ARK: Survival Evolved might be one of the most complex survival games in recent years. It requires the players to do everything you would expect in...
The Wyvern (why-vern or wi-vern) is one of the Creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved. This creature can be found on Scorched Earth in The World Scar, on Ragnarok in the Dragonmalte Trench and Wyvern Cave, on Valguero in The Great Trench, on Lost Island in t
The Pelagornis is one of the Creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved. This section is intended to be an exact copy of what the survivor Helena Walker, the author of the dossiers, has written. There may be some discrepancies between this text and the in-game c
Pour invoquer une balise spécifique à une carte, vous devez être sur la carte correspondante à celle de la balise. Ark Beacon: Ice Cave Loot Crate red. In Ark Survival Evolved there are Deep Sea Loot Crates that spawn underwater. Some exploration and discovery will be required to figur...