Ark Survival Evolved; The Genesis Trip, A Most Strange Adventure of Survival. This story is inspired by the present undertaking of Elan Musk to build star ships capable of placing settlements on Mars, the political turmoil that took place in the later half of 2021, the newly released paid DL...
Ancient Amber is a very rare resource in ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile. Ancient Amber can be used to: Revive recently deceased creatures Create Potent Dust Fish for high quality loot Craft items Access Dungeons Purchase various items and engrams: These a
¢ I went fishing last night off a high bridge using the tip of my pinkie finger painted with black nail polish as bait. I got a bite that pulled the line down into the water. Then it was pulling out towards the horizon, and then angling up into the air—I could only assume that...
Ark Survival Evolved, The Center Adventure. This third in a series of stories from Ark Survival Evolve is based upon an official expansion map from a mod developer, who spent hundreds of hours crafting a map that is just outstanding in representing a fic
We get a temporary thatch shelter built for the night as Fred and Larry go spear fishing for food to feed their Raptors. The two raptors stay close to them as they are wading in the bay. The Coe in the water seem to be curious about the activity as they are up in the seaweed looki...
Survival Plus PAX West Trailer Scorched Earth Base and Fishing Hole by ARKTLC138 Titanoboa Taming by GP Shark Bait by GeeKy gAMer No.1 &gOOglyOwl Professor by Dax and Tageon! What's Under the Castle? by MonkeyManTV Fukaso Wyvern Den by Kortniechan!
Offline Raid Protection and ARK Postal Service by Jslay and Mezzo MRRadTools.Inc Content Pack by MRRadioActiv and Mezzo Thieves Island and Skies of Nazca by Tkat5200 Madagascar Evolved by Hey my team rules! and its r2ghgaming Shigo Islands by Exilog Total Conversion: ARK Moon Survival by ...