If their random improvements have gone to less useful stats (such as Food), the hunter may kill or abandon the unconscious dino and search for another. Which improvements are desirable will depend on the animal's species and intended use. For instance, it is usually pointless to level up ...
ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion Creatures▾ Items▾ More▾ Dododex is committed to accuracy.Report Data Error Stats BASE STATS StatBase (Lvl 1) Increase Per Lvl (Wild) Increase Per Lvl (Tamed) Rank* Health 700+140+5.4% ...
Fixed amphibious stamina recovery while in water, now it's very fast as intended. Dino Stats are now retained properly when uploading/downloading across maps Fixed a bug where Wild Dinos were not naturally recovering their Torpor over time Max Level increased by 4 for Players and Dinos Configurab...
Consider this to be a list of the most unique and fun to use dinosaurs, that you must try at least once in Ark: Survival Evolved.
Pheromone darts may be utilized to make the Troodon attack a chosen dino, but be careful that other wild dinos do not enter the fight. Taming Notes There is a "Feeding Interval" of sorts, wherein no Taming Affinity will be gained for subsequent kills. It is not yet known how this is ...
Character & Dino Stats Customization Tool StructureDamageMultiplier Value is a Float and Default is 1 Modifies damage structures deal with their attacks eg spiked walls and turrets). The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it. ...
You know, and be able to record the levels and stats on it, maybe even be able to add the current stats of each tame in our game in somehow! That part is a tall order if any, so I understand that won’t likely happen. But at least consider adding a list so we can keep track...
Ark: Survival Ascended is an enhanced version of Survival Evolved that offers better visuals and extensive quality-of-life features, even if its technical state requires more work. While removing official servers from the original game pretty much means you need to get it for playing online (...
Ark: Survival Evolved Dododex, a hugely popular tool used by the Ark: Survival Evolved community as a companion to Studio Wildcard’s survival game, has just got a nifty new feature designed to help you compare dino to dino. Why you should play Hades 2 Introducing RKGK Xbox Game Pass Li...
ARK Survival Evolved application that monitors and extracts data from local ARK servers and exposes this data through a Web App, Web API and Discord Bot. Provides important functions to players: dino listings, food-status, breeding info, statistics; and server admins: rcon-commands, server managi...