tamed a Baryonyx and a wild one came to me it had same color as my Baryonyx, it started to follow me and I was like wait a minute I didn’t put my Baryonyx on follow, all of a sudden it it started attacking me, my Baryonyx tried to save me and died it’s name was “ fish...
Baryonyxes are great cave dinos, with decent health, melee, speed and stamina. Although there are better options for different caves, the Baryonyx is the most versatile and is great for most, if not all caves, this is due to their stats and also slender body, allowing it to fit through ...
Eggs are dropped by certain creatures and can be found anywhere they decide to drop one. Currently, they can be used as a food source (players can consume them for large amounts of nourishment), for creating Kibble (a useful item for fast and effective t
The Baryonyx is a fast dinosaur that can be quite useful on Astraeos, especially due to its underwater capabilities, attacks, and mobility. It can jump and weave around obstacles on land as well as underwater, which makes it a great choice for cave exploration. In addition, its tail-spin...
One or a whole group of Baryonyx can be especially deadly in the water, as the Spino endlessly spins around trying to reach and attack while the Baryonyx kills the Spino. Spinosaurs use no Stamina while swimming, and in fact regenerate it more quickly than normal in the water regardless of...
Information: This status effect is inflicted by certain attacks such as Microraptor's hit, Purlovia's ambush, and the Baryonyx's water attack. Creates a yellow haze over the survivor's or creature's head region. Prevents you and certain tames from moving for 10 seconds or mounting on any ...
Best way to avoid them altogether is stay on medium to large carnivores, as they will not aggro at all and can quickly dispatch them if you do get attacked. Medium to large carnivores include Baryonyx and larger creatures work well for this. ...
Arkdino is a web application to help ARK: Survival Evolved players calculate, Breeding calculator ,Food consumption , Food Timer ,Taming Calculator and more
It's similar to the Microraptor effect (or even the Baryonyx water spin), the only difference is that your tame is stunned, not the rider. You cant get dismounted from this effect, unless of course if you jump off your mount (or going on foot) then it will have an effect on the ...
It's similar to the Microraptor effect (or even the Baryonyx water spin), the only difference is that your tame is stunned, not the rider. You cant get dismounted from this effect, unless of course if you jump off your mount (or going on foot) then it will have an effect on the ...