Food 100 +10 +10% LOWRanked 160 Weight 100 +2.8 +4% AVGRanked 131 Melee Damage 100% +5% +1.7% AVGRanked 114 Movement Speed 100% — +2.5% Torpor 250 +15 — AVGRanked 105 Stat Calculator Torpor Timer * Rank of the Base Stat of the Troodon vs. all other creatures. (Rank ...
Ark: Survival Ascendedhas danger everywhere: Danger on the ground and in the air. But one of the calmest creatures has to be the Lymantria Desert Moth. Among its various uses is the ability to be a mount—carrying you acrossArk: Survival Ascended. A Lymantria Desert Moth is only found ...
Game-wise, I know it's just whatever the devs/studio puts out. But the vast amount of survival situations, and the fact that Aberration itself was it's own unique ARK before it got highjacked by Rockwell and his "experiments" seems to point at there being a vast number of differing ...
Any Reason I Should Try Ark Survival Ascended? 主题回复 JessPS4的DeHammer,在分类 General Discussion I would wait until better maps are out but no not much different than ASE actually in its current state I would say it is worse than ASE and many of the changes they are making to the...
Fixed a desync caused by the Oasisaur Fixed a server stall when destroying large connected structures such as connected foundation spam Fixed Xiphactinus sometimes not killing a creature when activating its swallow ability Fixed Ceratoasurus cloning cost being too high ...
Game-wise, I know it's just whatever the devs/studio puts out. But the vast amount of survival situations, and the fact that Aberration itself was it's own unique ARK before it got highjacked by Rockwell and his "experiments" seems to point at there being a vast number of differing ...
Fixed a desync caused by the Oasisaur Fixed a server stall when destroying large connected structures such as connected foundation spam Fixed Xiphactinus sometimes not killing a creature when activating its swallow ability Fixed Ceratoasurus cloning cost being too high ...
Fixed a desync caused by the Oasisaur Fixed a server stall when destroying large connected structures such as connected foundation spam Fixed Xiphactinus sometimes not killing a creature when activating its swallow ability Fixed Ceratoasurus cloning cost being too high ...
Fixed a desync caused by the Oasisaur Fixed a server stall when destroying large connected structures such as connected foundation spam Fixed Xiphactinus sometimes not killing a creature when activating its swallow ability Fixed Ceratoasurus cloning cost being too high ...
Fixed a desync caused by the Oasisaur Fixed a server stall when destroying large connected structures such as connected foundation spam Fixed Xiphactinus sometimes not killing a creature when activating its swallow ability Fixed Ceratoasurus cloning cost being too high ...