Megachelon through the genesis ocean floor will solve all of your silk needs (beware of server lag) 2 pointsApr 27, 2024Report Use a theri and you’ll get more than you’ll ever need. 4 pointsSep 3, 2023Report If you use a good chainsaw on a moth you will get a ton of silk!
Why are we here we all know how to get berries 1572 points Jun 5, 2022 Report Tame a bronto statted for weight and damage with a platform saddle then tame some stegos statted for weight and put then in the bronto's platform saddle and go harvest some berries, once the bronto cant ca...
Game-wise, I know it's just whatever the devs/studio puts out. But the vast amount of survival situations, and the fact that Aberration itself was it's own unique ARK before it got highjacked by Rockwell and his "experiments" seems to point at there being a vast number of differing ...
“It worked,” I tell the others as I rub that huge nose and get a low rumble like a purr in return. He follows us over to a nearby healing plant where we wait for his injuries to get fully healed before attempting to place a saddle on him. “How does this saddle work?” asks ...
Here are some ways to GAIN pelt Easiest Way : Get a ovis then get scissors, you had your first way for Pelt Easy way : Find some low level Castoroides ( Beaver ) Then Uno reverse card its existence and harvest the body :) Hard way : Unalive a Yutyrannus ( I think I might have ...
how to get flint step 1: get doedic and mine stone step 2: use industrial grinder to grind stone step 3: ??? step 4: profit!! 0 points Jan 18, 2024 Report First tip made in this section best thing to use is the metal pick they are cheap to make and jus fuse on normal stones...
Here are my ideas to really give this game the last push it needs to feel like it really met those expectations given initially. Random Thoughts: -Survival of the Fittest If you bring Survival of the Fittest back, we really need in-lobby-leader boards & regional leader boards, along with...
A saber tooth may be more efficient per creature but how long it takes to kill a creature matters. In my experience T-Rex and murder-bird. (theri) are ‘the best’ at gathering hide in high volumes. You see a herd of mammoths , they’ll tear your saber to shreds, and it takes ...
I had a one I named it melon I loved her so much she was my first tame in survival I got her a saddle and put all upgrades into her to where she was invincible and could carry a mountain but one day I needed metal so I took melon ...
fix vs everyone else's about the delays when they could've done something as simple as given a further away drop date with no delays or be honest with their community about how it's going to get pushed back instead of doing it a few days before drop after trying to build hype for ...