Explorer Notes containing story bits are found across the Ark Extinction map. Ark is a survival game with a compelling storyline. Explorer notes have some interesting information for players since they disclose the past and ancestors of players. These notes, which can either be a single page or...
can serve as good base locations. However, for the best ones, we have one at the corner tek tower at (81.6, 92.9). Despite being at the back corner of the map, this is a massive flat surface divided into different tiers. In this Ark Survival Ascended DLC, you can also build small...
接下来播放 自动连播 方舟生存飞升更新 方舟最大的错误?Ark Survival Ascended - New Update! Ark's BIGGEST Mistake?! EEEEEEDY 1.5万 0 方舟手游重制版石头人 我不會玩遊戲 4472 2 ARK Survival Ascended_方舟生存飞升 千通官服PVP高飞 EEEEEEDY 1048 0 ...
我们的 ARK: Survival Ascended 修改器拥有 17 个作弊选项。在游戏中善用 WeMod 修改器,以便获得 Steam 成就以及更多!我们的 ARK: Survival Ascended 修改器拥有 17 个作弊选项。在游戏中善用 WeMod 修改器,以便获得 Steam 成就以及更多!
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ARK : Survival Ascended inclut l’accès à tous les mondes d’ARK, y compris Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, ARK Genesis Part 1, ARK Genesis Part 2, et bien plus encore. L'Île et Scorched Earth sont disponibles dès maintenant, et les mondes d'extension suivants seront ajouté...
Happy New Year and welcome back, we hope you had a fantastic holiday season and are feeling rested after spending quality time with family, friends, and dinos! We’re going to cut straight to chase and bring you in to take a quick glance at a very high-l
“I gotta find an explorer note. Maybe there’s one close by.” Nal thought. She looked at the mountain. In the far distance, around 1 kilometer, there was a small corner that seemed like a ruin. Nal couldn’t see it well since she was starting to get very hot. But she stood up...
方舟生存升级是一款特别有趣的沙盒类生存冒险游戏,玩家们将穿越到远古时期,这里有许多品种的恐龙,我们需要在这个未知的地方寻找资源生存下去,驯化恐龙帮助我们。 方舟生存升级游戏介绍 方舟生存升级是一款需要你学习更多生存技能的游戏。你将处在一个比较危险的境地,身边的资源已经不多了,如果没有利用好的话,是很难活着...
2、多种阵容都能让你去使用,有趣的组合可以给你全新的游玩体验。 3、独特的背景故事将给你不一样的体验,更多的塔防关卡会给你最有趣的冒险。 应用信息 包名:com.studiowildcard.wardrumstudios.ark 名称:ARK:Survival Ascended 版本:2.0.28 MD5值:bb9c5aa5c469160ef09fe910bfe49cee...