ARK : Survival Ascended inclut l’accès à tous les mondes d’ARK, y compris Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, ARK Genesis Part 1, ARK Genesis Part 2, et bien plus encore. L'Île et Scorched Earth sont disponibles dès maintenant, et les mondes d'extension suivants seront ajouté...
Respawn into a new dinosaur survival experience beyond your wildest dreams… as ARK is reimagined from the ground-up into the next-generation of videogame technology with Unreal Engine 5 You awake on a mysterious island, your senses overwhelmed by the bl
游戏介绍 在使用Unreal Engine 5的这一下一代视频游戏技术中,ARK从基础上重新构想!形成一个部落,驯服和繁殖数百种独特的恐龙和原始生物,探索,制作,建造和战斗到食物链的顶部。您的新世界正在等待! 游戏截图 版本介绍 v20231122|容量79.9GB|官方简体中文|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄 下载地址:
3× Maturation 3× Egg Hatch 0.5× Mating Interval 0.6× Cuddle Interval 3× Imprint Small Tribes Since1 day ago 5.5× Taming 5.5× Harvest 5.5× XP 5× Maturation 5× Egg Hatch 0.5× Mating Interval 0.6× Cuddle Interval 5× Imprint ...
"Chance of Death" showing probability that a creature will die rather than KO What's an Ark taming calculator?A taming calculator lets you estimate how much food, narcotics, and time will be required to tame a creature inArk: Survival Evolved....
ARK: The Center Ascended 2024 年 6 月 4 日 中心岛 是《方舟:生存飞升》的一个免费DLC,这片广袤的新地图将会再一次为生存者们揭开探索的序幕。 它的地域壮阔之极,几乎是孤岛的两倍,延展出大约70平方公里的探险天地。中心岛采用了丰富而精致的手绘托尔金风格,为方舟现有的生态系统增添了美学的深度。 免费 ...
Ark: Survival Ascendedhas finally launched, and players are flocking to official servers to see who can become the king of The Island. However, many players are experiencing a“Server Full” errorwhen trying to join all official servers, even though the server isn’t actually full. ...
Xbox cross-platform co-op Ray Tracing Optimized for Xbox Series X|S Console Keyboard & Mouse Xbox achievements Xbox cloud saves Xbox Play Anywhere THIS EDITION ARK: Survival Ascended Included with RETURN TO TOP ARK: Bob's Bundle €64.99+ Games includedARK: Survival Ascended Add-ons includedARK...
Visual Storage is the complete remake of the ASE RP Visual Storage Mod. This mod adds resource specific storage that dynamically change in appearance based on the quantity of stored resources. This not only adds a layer of realism to your resource management but it also serves as a practical...
创作中心 投稿 专栏/方舟:生存飞升 ARK: Survival Ascended 2023年11月23日 10:4338浏览·0喜欢·0评论 原来是坤哥吖 粉丝:1.3万文章:1949 关注 游戏介绍 在使用Unreal Engine 5的这一下一代视频游戏技术中,ARK从基础上重新构想!形成一个部落,驯服和繁殖数百种独特的恐龙和原始生物,探索,制作,建造和战斗到食物...