ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion Taming Calculator Food Selected Food / Max Time Effectiveness Use Sanguine ElixirIncreases taming by 30% Superior Kibble 11 46:52 98.7%+74 Lvl (224) Diplodocus Kibble Old ARK Mobile only 11 43:59 ...
TerrestrialRideableRideable While Wielding WeaponTamablePassive TamingCarnivoresBreedableMidgameARK: Survival AscendedARK: Survival Evolved MAPS The IslandThe CenterScorched EarthRagnarokValgueroAberrationExtinctionGenesisCrystal IslesGenesis Part 2Lost IslandFjordurAstraeosARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition SPAWN MAPSThe...
id=2182770728 Creature Mod (ASA): 一月8 1 条回复 1 ark:tsw creature mod (查看其他 %d 项) 标记为: ark:tsw creature mod map mod ocean tlc sunken scoop Sunken Scoop 31: Sea You Next Year...
-Both gore and claw attacks semi pierce armour, gore leaving the victim with a bleeding debuff -They are exclusively pescatarians. Preferred foods are any type of fish or exceptional kibble and above -Swimming while turn in place is enabled will allow the paddletail spino to pitch up and do...
Explore ARK: Survival Ascended's comprehensive dinosaurs directory. Access detailed profiles, taming guides, and unique attributes to master the prehistoric realm.
• Admin commands (cheats), engram calculator, breeding times, breeding calculator, recipes and dyes, kibble recipes, patchnotes for all playable platforms • Ark: Survival Evolved | Ascended maps for cave locations, creature spawns, resources and explorer notes ...
• Admin commands (cheats), engram calculator, breeding times, breeding calculator, recipes and dyes, kibble recipes, patchnotes for all playable platforms • Ark: Survival Evolved | Ascended maps for cave locations, creature spawns, resources and explorer notes • Available in different language...
While taming dinosaurs inArk: Survival Ascended, you’ll see anUnconscious barand aTaming bar. If you let the unconscious bar hit zero, thedinosaur will wake upand all of yourtaming progress will be lost. Once the dinosaur eats enough food, the taming bar will completely fill and your dino...
Current Hide ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki Others Like You Viewed ARK Survival Evolved Wiki Megalania Argentavis Therizinosaur Rex Top Pages this Week Dragon 1 Broodmother Lysrix 2 Giganotosaurus 3 Megapithecus 4 Wyvern 5 Template:Arkitexure(view source) (protected) ...
No, the goal of this game is to match all content from ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition. Anything created for ARK: Survival Ascended will not be coming to the mobile game. Will there be mod support? No, mod support is not available for ARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition. PURCHASES What’s ...