These guys will fit in 1 foundation. What Im getting at, is that a taller version of a raptor trap, (One stone foundation, 4 stone doorways and a ramp,) will work, just four extra doorways and a second ramp and you got yourself a free Theri! 632 points 🥚 Taming & KO Dec 25,...
Pair this with a doedic, who has a faster swimming speed than walking speed, and you get infinite stone. 20 points Aug 17, 2022 Report There is no normal way to get this you have to spawn in this very rare resource 18 points Jul 19, 2022 Report Little tip: use argentina and ...
If you’re having trouble finding Chitin in Ark: Survival Ascended, you can use its item ID to spawn large amounts of this resource through the server admin console. To do this, start your game and press“TAB”to open the server console. Next, type in: “cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Ch...
We regularly showcase some of the incredible fanart and creations from the community in this weekly series. You can view the artwork in a short video format on our social media accounts along-side this post, which servers get a closer look at these works of AR(K)! Want to see ...
Fence supports (allows you to build fences that are level along the top) [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood] The blueprint paths for the new structures are listed below so you can spawn them in for testing. You can also use creative mode for easier and faster building. Wit...
> Promote - do not send messages which are advertisements for inappropriate topics, including scamming, hacking, exploits or the sale of goods and services unless trading within the game for game specific resources, for example, 50 Stone for 1 Polymer, A trike for a Rex, etc. ...
Stone Pick • Stone Hatchet • Metal Pick • Metal Hatchet • Metal Sickle • Chainsaw • Mining Drill • Scissors • Fishing Rod • Fish Net Preservation Waterskin • Water Jar • Canteen (Tek) • Cryopod (Empty) • Blood Extraction Syringe • Preserving Salt Navigation...
OverrideNamedEngramEntries=(EngramClassName="EngramEntry_StoneHatchet_C", EngramHidden=false, EngramPointsCost=3, EngramLevelRequirement=3, RemoveEngramPreReq=true) Creature Spawn related ConfigAddNPCSpawnEntriesContainer ConfigAddNPCSpawnEntriesContainer=( [NPCSpawnEntriesContainerClassString=<spawn_class>...
-ASR Small/Large Hitching Posts - Stone tier auto-hitching posts for your tames. Small has 3 foundation range, Large has range of 10. Hitching prevents them from moving even while set to wander. To hitch a tame, dismount it within range of the hitching post and the tame will auto-hitch...
Standing Stone Game’s free-to-play MMO transports you to perhaps the most famous fantasy setting there has ever been. Explore Tolkien’s Middle-earth, from The Shire to Mordor, and build up a character that will be worthy of 1v1ing Sauron himself. The Lord of the Rings Online store is...