AdminCheatGodUnkillable,exceptyoucandrown.无敌 AdminCheatFlyAbletoFly飞行模式 AdminCheatWalkDeactivatesFlying取消飞行模式 AdminCheatTeleportTeleportsyouinthedirectionyouarefacing.传送至你当前看的点 AdminCheatSlomo<#>Changesserverspeed.Valuesare1-5.1=NormalSpeed设定时间速度<1-5>,1=正常速度 AdminCheat...
1、ARK方舟生存进化代码大全方舟指令按 进进把持台*24号补钉之后进进把持台改按 TAB乌色是下令,绿色是中英道明-多人形式-SetCheatPlayer True Enables Cheat Menu 开启做弊选单SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu 闭闭做弊选单AdminCheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Whitelists a player 将玩家设为黑名单...
ARK方舟生存进化代码大全方舟指令分享.pdf,ARK方舟生存进化代码大全方舟指令 按 ~ 进入控制台 **24 号补丁以后进入控制台改按 TAB 黑色是命令,绿色是中英说明 多人模式 SetCheatPlayer True Enables Cheat Menu 开启作弊选单 SetCheatPlayer False Disables Cheat Menu
wood onto the sand. Bob had decided to settle near the river he had arrived at, which was located close to the Redwood Forests, a hotspot for dinosaurs that would be useful for the future. He took out a blueprint for a ceiling made of stone, looked up at his stone base, and smirk...
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/StructuresPlus/Structures/Ceilings/Triangle/Stone/PrimalItemStructure_TriCeiling_Stone.PrimalItemStructure_TriCeiling_Stone'" 10 0 0 cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/StructuresPlus/Structures/Ceilings/Triangle/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_Tri...
伤害当前所看的目标 AdminCheatDestroyAllEnemiesDestroysallenemies.Theyrespawnaftera while.杀死所有的恐龙,过一会会重生出来 GiveEngramsunlocksallcraftingrecipesforyourcharacter-*Bugged-You can'tcrafttheserecipes开启所有蓝图(目前此功能有问题) AdminCheatHurtMeDealsdamagetoyourself伤害自己(自杀) ToggleGunToggles...
Build a tower 10 Stone Pillars high with a ceiling on top. Lure the Rex to it while riding a flying mount, then land on your tower and shoot tranquilizers at it. Find a Rex that spawned near a cliff. Quite a lot of Rexes spawn in the cove on the southeastern shores, sometimes 4 ...
Build a tower 10 Stone Pillars high with a ceiling on top. Lure the Rex to it while riding a flying mount, then land on your tower and shoot tranquilizers at it. Find a Rex that spawned near a cliff. Quite a lot of Rexes spawn in the cove on the southeastern shores, sometimes 4 ...
AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekCeilingWithTrapdoor.PrimalItemStructure_TekCeilingWithTrapdoor" 1 0 0 门 AdminCheat GiveItem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Tek/PrimalItemStructure_TekDoor.PrimalItemStruc...
Updated Icons Stone Doorway, Stone Hatchframe, Stone Reinforced Gate, Auto Turret, Heavy Auto Turret Fixed some flying trees Improved foliage behaviour in strong wind scenarios Fixed an issue where Brood mother arena lighting would blink on and off as player moves ...