This command will spawn in the dino/creature with a random level. Under <namepart> you enter part or all of the specified dino name and under <tames> enter 1 for tamed or 0 for a wild dino</tames></namepart> For example, if you wanted to spawn in a random level tamed Gigantosaur...
Ark Valguero All Dino Spawn Locations Take a look at all the unique Dinos you can find and potentially tame in Ark Valguero. Karkinos It is an aggressive omnivore creature found in the Aberration cave at32.1Latitude and92.9Longitude. It is like a giant crab you can tame and ride in Ark Va...
Ark spawn item cheats (Image credit: Studio Wildcard, Snail Games USA) How to spawn items in Ark These commands allow you to give a specific item to yourself or another player. Setting ForceBlueprint to 'true' or '1' will give the blueprint, while setting it to 'false' or '0' will...
printcolorsShow the colors you can use with Set Color commands. cheat destroywilddinosDestory all wild dinosaurs on the map. givecolors <amount>Will give you every dye in the specified amount. cheat SpawnDino <blueprintPath> <spawnDistance> <spawn-Y-offset> <Z-offset> <DinoLevel>Spawn a ...
Ark Scorched Earth All Dino Spawn Locations Lightning Wyvern It is an aggressive creature that you will find in the World Scar. Lightning Wyvern is a carnivore and can’t be tamed. However, you can still ride and breed it. To do so, you have to hatch its wild eggs. ...
They will shoot a round of spikes at you OR they will shoot a slow moving purple ball down towards the ground, causing dinos to spawn. Unless the spawns are fliers just ignore them, stay in the air, and continue the fight. IMPORTANT NOTE: The shield will stay up until it finishes ...
DestroyWildDinos - Destroys all untamed creatures Ark: Survival Evolved Dino Commands DoTame - Tames targeted tameable creature, crashes server if done while mounted DumpDinoStats - Dumps into the console the stats of the dino you're riding or targeting RainCritters <NumCritters> <SpreadAmo...
Dino Spawn Configuration Engram Config Tool PerLevelStatsMultiplier Tool Windows Servers Windows Scripts Linux Servers Server Settings Server Commands Item/Creature ID's Resource Classes Engram Indexes Get Your IP We have updated our site and moved a few things. An updated version of thi...
SpawnSetupDino SDF GMSummon Dino DestroyRightNode Dino TitanMode DinoSet UpkeepInterval Dino Reset ForceTameAOE Dino ReplayIntro ForcePoop ClearCryoSickness Ark: Survival Evolved cheats: server (Image credit: Wildcard) As an admin, there is a lot you can do to the server you're in. These che...
4.5 Spawn Maps and Other Info 5 Destroy Wild DinosChanging Spawn RatesFor information on how to do this via the Modify Server Config tool, expand the below section. ExpandWhen changing spawn rates for certain dinos, there are four values to include in this code: DinoNameTag, SpawnWeightMultip...