Cosmo Spawn Commands Type: Dinos Cosmo on Dododex To spawn a Cosmo, you can use the GMSummon command "JumpingSpider_Character_BP_C". Cosmo Spawn Command (Tamed) The spawn command for a tamed Cosmo is "JumpingSpider_Character_BP_C". cheat gmsummon "JumpingSpider_Character_BP_C" 60COPY ...
GMSummon — Spawns a tamed creature of a set level GiveDinoSet — Spawns set of dinos with saddles. Tier options can be entered as a number or word, as follows: 0— Raptor, Dilo, Trike 1— Raptor, Carnotaurus, Thylacoleo 2— Rex, Spino, Paracer, Therizinosaur 3— Rex, Rex with ...
This command will spawn in the dino/creature with a random level. Under <namepart> you enter part or all of the specified dino name and under <tames> enter 1 for tamed or 0 for a wild dino</tames></namepart> For example, if you wanted to spawn in a random level tamed Gigantosaur...
Commands Sabertooth Salmon Spawn CommandsType: DinosSabertooth Salmon on DododexTo spawn a Sabertooth Salmon, you can use the GMSummon command "Salmon_Character_BP_C".Sabertooth Salmon Spawn Command (Tamed)The spawn command for a tamed Sabertooth Salmon is "Salmon_Character_BP_C".cheat...
Mount it and slaughter every creature to add taming efficiency until it is tamed. Utility Spotlight Notes/Trivia For information pertaining specifically to the real-world Carcharodontosaurus, see the relevant Wikipedia article. The Carcharodontosaurus was in both the Lost Island and Fjordur creature ...
printcolorsShow the colors you can use with Set Color commands. cheat destroywilddinosDestory all wild dinosaurs on the map. givecolors <amount>Will give you every dye in the specified amount. cheat SpawnDino <blueprintPath> <spawnDistance> <spawn-Y-offset> <Z-offset> <DinoLevel>Spawn a ...
When Players, Tamed Dinos, and Wild Dinos level up there is a choice of a stat to increase. If you adjust these values you can control the amount of the increase. For example, you would normally get an extra 10 points on Health if you click the + for it on level up. ...
They will shoot a round of spikes at you OR they will shoot a slow moving purple ball down towards the ground, causing dinos to spawn. Unless the spawns are fliers just ignore them, stay in the air, and continue the fight. IMPORTANT NOTE: The shield will stay up until it finishes ...
tamed dinos when on a server Fixed the player character corpse sometimes turning invisible in Single Player Fixed Vaccuum cubes sometimes showing a double reflection Fixed the physics of structures when demolished such as Lamppost, Pedastal, Gravestone Fixed weather visuals not displaying correctly if ...
-- over 100+ creatures can be tamed using a challenging capture-&-affinity process, involving weakening a feral creature to knock it unconscious, and then nursing it back to health with appropriate food. Once tamed, you can issue commands to your tames, which it may follow depending on how...