SpiderL_Character_BP_Easy_CBroodmother (Beta)SpiderL_Character_BP_Medium_CBroodmother (Alpha)SpiderL_Character_BP_Hard_CBunny DodoDodo_Character_BP_Bunny_CBunny OviraptorBunnyOviraptor_Character_BP_CCarbonemysTurtle_Character_BP_CCarcharodontosaurusCarcha_Character_BP_CCarnotaurusCarno_Character_BP_CCastor...
When using the ghost cheat to get into the Tek Cave, theOverseerwill be at Gamma level, and noCreatureswill spawn inside the cave. Although upon entering a cave there is a message saying that a max of 10 riders and 50 tames are allowed in the cave, It is possible to bring more playe...
These have a 5% chance to spawn and at a 20% higher level than normal. They also drop Electronics, Element Dust, Oil, and Scrap Metal when killed. Added Giga (and, by extension, Carcharodontosaurus) spawns to Scorched Earth, in the dunes and mountains. New Model! 八月8 1 Mosasaur ...
Fixed an issue that would cause unofficial servers to crash when using certain mods. The affected mods should work now and unofficials can opt-in to the more secure item/dino spawning rules by adding-UseSecureSpawnRulesto the server launch arguments. Using this launch argument may render cer...
Reduced Carcharodontosaurus healing per bloodrage stack by approximately 20% Some Official server Saddle armor clamp adjustments have been made: Decreased Stego saddle cap from 124.0 to 74.5 Increased Trike saddle cap from 99.2 to 124.0 Increased Pachyrhinosaurus Saddle from 99.2 to 124.0 ...
Added the Carcharodontosaurus to the game! Fixed multiple exploits Added icons to Fjordhawk death bag retrieval cooldown v707.6 - 10/20/2022 - Minor version for servers Changed scarecrows, pumpkins, gravestones to now give players a random amount between 1 and 10 (previously w...
Reduced Carcharodontosaurus healing per bloodrage stack by approximately 20% Some Official server Saddle armor clamp adjustments have been made: Decreased Stego saddle cap from 124.0 to 74.5 Increased Trike saddle cap from 99.2 to 124.0 Increased Pachyrhinosaurus Saddle from 99.2 to 124.0 ...
Reduced Carcharodontosaurus healing per bloodrage stack by approximately 20% Some Official server Saddle armor clamp adjustments have been made: Decreased Stego saddle cap from 124.0 to 74.5 Increased Trike saddle cap from 99.2 to 124.0 Increased Pachyrhinosaurus Saddle from 99.2 to 12...
Reduced Carcharodontosaurus healing per bloodrage stack by approximately 20% Some Official server Saddle armor clamp adjustments have been made: Decreased Stego saddle cap from 124.0 to 74.5 Increased Trike saddle cap from 99.2 to 124.0 Increased Pachyrhinosaurus Saddle from 99.2 to 124.0 ...
Reduced Carcharodontosaurus healing per bloodrage stack by approximately 20% Some Official server Saddle armor clamp adjustments have been made: Decreased Stego saddle cap from 124.0 to 74.5 Increased Trike saddle cap from 99.2 to 124.0 Increased Pachyrhinosaurus Saddle from 99.2 to 124.0 ...