This tool helps to retreive the values that matter for... Proud 三月1, 2016 Wish there was a way we could extract stats on Xbox cad 一月6, 2017 Smart Breeding now supports the extraction of imprinted creatures. Please note that the extraction for... Posted Images...
I know alot of folks who use Ark Smart Breeder and this has a lot of potential value. Only a suggestion if its not a viable option I understand. Thank You for Your time and a wonderful tool. here is the link to the Ark Smart Breeder. GitHub - Rockafella78/Ark-Smart-Breeding ...
These are all wild dinos as I am hesitant to breed if I can't use smart breeder hahah so it's not imprint. I've gone through the dinos i've wanted to breed, rex, argie, beelzebufo and they don't have any stat modifier just things like can walk backwards or frog can attack in ...