Host your own adventure on an Ark dedicated server. Discover all the steps to create your own Ark server with over 10 players.
The ARK: Survival Evolved dedicated server has a wide variety of configuration options that control its behavior and adjust many aspects of the game. These are options that can only be set at server startup. Most options can be specified on the command l
The Human, also referred to as a Survivor or Player, is the only playable creature in ARK: Survival Evolved. There are two sexes to choose from, as well as numerous options for body types. Every human on the island spawns with a Specimen Implant in its l
And in Server's "Game.ini", to prevent Taming of specific Dino's: [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] PreventDinoTameClassNames="Argent_Character_BP_C" PreventDinoTameClassNames="Ptero_Character_BP_C" //etc etc -- all dino classnames are in the ARK Dev Kit, maybe someone can put them...
Join our Enjin: IP: Mod Collection: Steam Collection PvPis enabled Perks! Players receive 1 free MED/2SM starter creature when they create a character bio on the forums! (See bottom of post)
During the weekends of Arktoberfest (based on server-time), the Fever-time button will be activated to claim unique food to help you and your raid parties in battle. These rewards can be claimed once per day each weekend— on the 17 & 18, and the 22, 23, 24, & 25 of September...
1.1 History of SLikeNet 1.2 Version scheme and deprecation process 1.2.1 Pre 1.0 releases 1.2.2 Alpha releases 1.2.3 Beta releases 1.2.4 1.x.y releases 1.2.5 2.x.y and following releases 1.2.6 Client / Server compatibility 1.2.7 API deprecation and dropping support for 3rd party version...
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Host your own adventure on an Ark dedicated server. Discover all the steps to create your own Ark server with over 10 players.
- Join Link: steam://connect/ ABERRATION- Server IP: Port: 7777- Battlemetrics: Ark-Servers: Join Link: steam://connect/