19 K avis Non disponible à l'achat En savoir plus Jeu en ligne facultatif De 1 à 2 joueurs Version PS4 Vibration de la manette DUALSHOCK 4 Violence Avis ARK: Scorched Earth Avis global des joueurs 4.15Moyenne des avis : 4.15 étoiles sur 5 (19249 avis) ...
EXPLOREZ UN MONDE NOUVEAU Scorched Earth emmène les joueurs ARK à une carte entièrement nouvelle , composée de six biomes à thème du désert unique - dunes, haut désert, montagnes, canyons, zones arides et oasis - chacun avec leur propre esthétique et l'écosystème. Dispersés avec...
ARK: SCORCHED EARTH (English/Chinese/Japanese Ver.) Global player ratings 4.27Average rating 4.27 stars out of 5 stars from 2105 ratings 2105 ratings 63% 11% 21% 1% ※This product will be discontinued as a single item on June 17, 2021. Please be aware of this when purchasing. ...
Scorched Earth Remake Creature updates: there are 7 creatures that I think deserve some new things and while some people may not agree with these I think it'll be helpful to keep them unique with the brand new creatures in the remake and these are in ord
ARK: Scorched Earth 当前不可用。 概述系统要求 可用于 Xbox Series X|SXbox One电脑 功能 本机多人游戏 (2)在线多人游戏 (2-70)本机合作游戏 (2)在线合作游戏 (2) 描述 你被困一片无边沙漠,浑身赤裸、饥渴难耐。即使是最有经验的方舟幸存者也需要快速找到水源和食物、采集资源、锻造物品并建立基地,才有...
Nestled in the southeast of the map, the Pillars and Pond location shown in the image above offers access to two of the most important things any survivor needs onScorched Earth: water and shade. The large rocks in the area can play to your advantage if you build into them, leaving you...
Scorched Earth is an completely new and different experience from The Island. Stranded naked, dehydrated and starving on a fiery, drought-ridden desert world, Survivors must immediately seek water, hunt for food, harvest new flora, craft new items, and build shelter from the extreme heat. ...
方舟:燃烧的地球ARK: Scorched EarthArk: Scorched Earth Studio Wildcard,Instinct Games,Virtual Basement LLC,Efecto Studios 2016-09-01 - . -- . - 独立 中文 0想玩0在玩0玩过0已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 暂无评分- . -评论数不足- . - ...
方舟:焦土飞升ARK: Scorched Earth AscendedArk: Scorched Earth Ascended Studio Wildcard,Instinct Games,Grove Street Games 2024-04-01 - . -- . - 独立 中文 0想玩0在玩0玩过0已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评 简介 开发/发行 链接 暂无评分- . -评论数不足- . - ...