ExpandSpawn Command Overview[] Emotes are a way to communicate by an action, not directly saying something. For example, your character can nod his head yes instead of physically typing or saying "yes." How to use an Emote[]
Info Tips Spawn Command Best Gatherers 1 Metal Sickle ★︎4.9 2 Moschops ★︎4.3 3 Gigantopithecus ★︎4.2 4 Direbear ★︎4.1 5 Therizinosaurus ★︎4.1 6 Tek Stryder ★︎4 7 Megachelon ★︎4 8 Maewing ★︎3.9 9 Mantis ★︎3.7 10 Gacha ★︎3.6 Show 3 More Disagree wit...
Fungal Wood Spawn Command If you’re having trouble finding Fungal Wood in Ark: Survival Ascended, you can use spawn commands to have this item spawn in your inventory. To do this, you must open the cheat console by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard. If you’re playing on PlayStatio...
Info Tips Spawn Command Best Gatherers 1 Chainsaw ★︎4.9 2 Fasolasuchus ★︎4.4 3 Giganotosaurus ★︎4.4 4 Carcharodontosaurus ★︎4.4 5 Fenrir ★︎4.3 6 Andrewsarchus ★︎4.2 7 Direwolf ★︎4.1 8 Thylacoleo ★︎4.1 9 Yutyrannus ★︎4 10 Velonasaur ★︎4 Show 71 More...
ExpandSpawn CommandDomestication Tameable Rideable Breedable Yes Yes Yes Torpor Immune No Taming Method Passive Level Requirement Level 10 Preferred Kibble Simple Kibble Preferred Kibble Kibble (Dilo Egg) Preferred Food Rockarrot Preferred Food Fresh Spinach Equipment No Saddle Needed Equus...
(AnEntryName="RavagerSpawner",EntryWeight=0.3,NPCsToSpawnStrings=("Cavewolf_Character_BP_C")) ), (NPCClassString="Megalania_Character_BP_Aberrant_C",MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.1), (NPCClassString="Megalosaurus_Character_BP_Aberrant_C",MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.1), ...
¹Only Wild Giganotosaurus and Ravagers apply Gnashed. Corrupted Giganotosaurus does not cause this effect. Gassed Information: This status occurs after either being blown on by a Gasbags or standing too close to it when it blast upwards. The effect causes the player to be immune to fall...
"I have basilisks spawning in the desert and the cave under the ruined castle, ravagers in the canyons and also in the castle cave, karkinos in the swamp, rockdrakes in the redwoods and featherlights/glowtails on Monkey Island in the south." - HermitExpand...
The Shinehorn (formerly known as the Lantern Goat) is one of the Creatures in the Aberration-DLC of ARK: Survival Evolved. It is the adorable miniature relative of Bovids like Ovis and Cervids like Megaloceros. This section is intended to be an exact co
Fixed Decorative Ravager Saddle rider positioning being incorrect Fixed Wind Turbines appearing powered when they are not No longer able to swing with Cosmo while in Photo Mode. Fixed water post process effect displaying when using photo mode while in a vacuum cube ...