Troodon Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command ARK's base taming speed on PC, PS4, and Xbox is now doubled, meaning 1× is as fast as what 2× was previously. Dododex has been updated to reflect this. Use the "presets" dropdown for common multipliers. LVL For full ...
Another thing to note is that Forest Wyverns only spawn on Extinction, and during the Forest Titan boss fight (which takes place deep underground in the Fallen ARK). I know you already thought up some ideas for the Forest Wyvern culture, but you could also find a way to incorporate that ...
Reduced the Lazer range of the Astrodelphis. Astrodelphis Lazers now respect armor. Fixed a bug where the Astrodelphis baby would get stuck inside the mother on spawn. 338.35 Increased Astrodelphis Missile/Homing Missile cooldown to 1 second. Does not affect the Mission variant. Gallery...
Fixed an issue that would cause unofficial servers to crash when using certain mods. The affected mods should work now and unofficials can opt-in to the more secure item/dino spawning rules by adding-UseSecureSpawnRulesto the server launch arguments. Using this launch argument may render cer...
Module:Infobox spawn command section(view source) Module:ItemLink(view source) (protected) Module:ItemList(view source) (protected) Module:ProcessArgs(view source) Module:String(view source) Module:TamingTable(view source) (semi-protected)
SPAWN MAPSGenesis Part 2 Fjordur The Shadowmane is a chimerical prowler creature in ARK: Genesis Part 2. It has a fast chain-teleport-strike attack that can hit multiple targets in a row. The Shadowmane can also cloak those around it. It has been described as the King of the Twisted...
They will shoot a round of spikes at you OR they will shoot a slow moving purple ball down towards the ground, causing dinos to spawn. Unless the spawns are fliers just ignore them, stay in the air, and continue the fight. IMPORTANT NOTE: The shield will stay up until it finishes ...
FIND GIGA: gigas usually spawn at mountains. On the island try looking around the volcano or the two mountains in the snow area. SET YOUR TRAP: take 3 of your metal gateways and make this shape \_/ then put a large bear trap or 2 in the middle. It’s easier if you build the tra...
Fixed a bug where the Astrodelphis baby would get stuck inside the mother on spawn Fixed a case where the Astrodelphis homing missile would still damage riders even though it was targetting the creature Note: We still plan to iterate on Astrodelphis balance. ...
Fixed a bug where creatures would spawn above the map on some levels Fixed a bug where HLNA teleportion would not work when the game is run different languages Fixed a bug where certain creature abilities would not work when the game is run different languages ...