在它们之后加载Primal Fear和Primal Fear expansions你想要使用的mod 在它们之后加载Ark Eternal和你想要使用的任何扩展mod 在它们之后加载Ark Eternal Primal Fear Spawn Compatability V2。 这也意味着你必须在你的GUS.ini中设置DifficultyOffset=1.0和OverrideOfficialDifficulty=20,以确保你拥有野生恐龙的最大等级600。
[慢更]名称:Primal Fear, Mod ID:839162288(主文件,必装) 相信大家对这个Mod都不陌生,是方舟所有Mods里恐龙种类最全,最多的,没有之一!喜欢方舟里有各式各样的恐龙的话这个Mod必装!必不可少! ???如有遗漏欢迎补充!??? 原始恐惧最近也是又更新了好几次 那么更新了些什么呢 其实主要是对于驯服恐龙的途径进行...
[慢更]名称:Primal Fear, Mod ID:839162288(主文件,必装) 相信大家对这个Mod都不陌生,是方舟所有Mods里恐龙种类最全,最多的,没有之一!喜欢方舟里有各式各样的恐龙的话这个Mod必装!必不可少! ???如有遗漏欢迎补充!??? 原始恐惧最近也是又更新了好几次 那么更新了些什么呢 其实主要是对于驯服恐龙的途径进行...
< Mod:Primal FearSign in to edit Contents 1 UPDATES 2 HOT PATCHES AND PAST UPDATES 2.1 NEW INI CODES 2.2 NEW ADDITIONS 2.3 UPDATED 2.4 GENERAL CHANGES AND BUG FIXES 2.5 NEW INI CODES 2.6 NEW ADDITIONS 2.7 HOT PATCH 2.8 PATCH 2.9 HOT PATCH 2.10 Primal Fear Main 2.11 Primal Fear Bosses...
We're a friendly and active community looking for more friends! We have weekly and monthly events, community run competitions, and so much more! There's something for everyone here, whether you're into breeding, boss fights, collecting or building. We ar
翻斗花园第一发射中心创建的收藏夹默认收藏夹内容:方舟原始恐惧模组安装介绍Primal Fear Mod干货 - ARK方舟生存进化原始恐惧恐龙生存开荒,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Mod ID number is 928708. Does this mod work for modded dinos? Yes, it does!** Both vanilla and modded dinos should be affected by this mod. I have personally tested the mod with Gaia, Primal Fear, and Kraken’s Better Dinos to verify this. **Caveat: Any dinos that simply spawn into...
Primal Chaos is a WIP mod. Please give me feedback on anything. More Content will be added and tweaks will be made over time. Primal Chaos is a MASSIVE content-packed dino overhaul! When choosing maps, make sure to properly test the map to see if everything spawns! A big overhaul like...
-MapModID=### All Dedicated servers can now optionally load custom maps via ModID diectly, rather than having to specify the map name directly, using this syntax (where the MapModID is the Steam Workshop FileID of your custom map, and the GameModIds are the Id’s of the stacked mo...
I dont' know about you but i've been searching for a heavily modded primal fear PVP cluster with fun rates, good plugins and amazing mods. After searching non-stop, i came up with nothing that met my wants/needs so i made it myself. Today, i'd like to show you Animus Ark....