As of the Dino TLC Phase 2, the Spinosaur is granted the ability to change stances from quadrupedal to bipedal. While the bipedal stance makes its movement speed slower, it can use its claws to deal more damage to foes. Keep in mind that the Spinosaur has a faster attack speed than a...
In ARK: Fear Evolved, there is a zombie variant of the dodo that spawn near the DodoRex. This Zombie version is more aggressive and will attack the player. Dodos serve as the main mascot of ARK: Survival Evolved and appear on artwork and holiday events (most prominent ex: DodoRex) The ...
Module:Infobox spawn command section(view source) Module:ItemLink(view source) (protected) Module:ItemList(view source) (protected) Module:ProcessArgs(view source) Module:String(view source) Module:TamingTable(view source) (semi-protected)
If the dino is unridden, the personal owner or the tribe can tame it. Also, Gigas now prefer Extraordinary Kibble, making them more resource-expensive to tame. Carcha Rework Decreased base HP to 7000, however, they no longer get an HP-nerf on tame and gain stats at better rates than ...
Fixed an issue that would cause unofficial servers to crash when using certain mods. The affected mods should work now and unofficials can opt-in to the more secure item/dino spawning rules by adding-UseSecureSpawnRulesto the server launch arguments. Using this launch argument may render cer...
The Island . Thank you Venexis for your map and guide on Steam Community page for this game. Trending Posts. Use the command: Summon, to spawn supply crates. Plus, Beacon has support for an additional 81 unofficial loot sources, such as the Orbital Supply Drop events and creature inventorie...
The Dragon used to spawn with an extremely diverse range of colorization, however this was changed during the development of the Dragon's Boss Arena.ドラゴンは常に同じ配色でスポーンされ、色の領域はありません。 これは、現在、ドラゴンの色を変更することが不可能であることを意味します。
War Mount: With introduction to TLC3, another survivor can mount at the rear end to act as a support boost for other nearby friendly/allied dino. However, they have to strike the drum in motion (a HUD above the inventory quickbar will appear) with precision to activate the buff. Intere...
If you've got a question, suggestion or just a general statement you'd like us to check out for the next ARK Digest - that'll be the place to do so! Each Digest, we'll select some from here and discuss or answer what has been asked/said. Keep in mind we won't be doing anythi...
Fixed an issue that would cause unofficial servers to crash when using certain mods. The affected mods should work now and unofficials can opt-in to the more secure item/dino spawning rules by adding-UseSecureSpawnRulesto the server launch arguments. Using this launch argument may...