In a location near both of these sites is the actual crucifixion site of Christ, and the Ark of the Covenant is in a cave below that spot!The location of the Garden Tomb is north of the old city of Jerusalem. The sacrifice was to take place north of the tabernacle as required in ...
which he did. Today in the Israel Museum Jerusalem, you can see the ivory pomegranate Ron turned over to the IAA after bringing it out of the tunnel system that led to the cave that houses the Ark of the Covenant. It is said to be the only item ever found from Solomon'...
Introduction: The last record of the location of the Ark of the Covenant in the Tanakh, (Old Testament), is Jeremiah 3:16. "And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the L-RD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covena...
What Was the Significance of the Ark of the Covenant? When the word ark is mentioned in correlation to the Bible, many picture Noah’s ark, the gigantic boat housing two of every animal before the big flood. The picture of the Ark of the Covenant can be less common in Christian culture...
Visit Noah’s Ark Hong Kong and learn about one of the Bible’s most iconic stories! Purchase tickets and immerse yourself in engaging activities and entertaining exhibits! It houses displays of rare Victorian Era Bibles and life-sized replicas of the Ark of the Covenant ...
New book on Ark of the CovenantWhy did God allow the Ark of the Covenant to be taken from His people? Does the Ark still exist today, if so, where is it? Could the earthly throne of God have a significant role to play in the completion of the plan of redemption? Why must Messiah...
3 new programs on the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant: Over two hours of Link to purchase DVD from A Rood October 2020 Programs on exodus to Sinai:
Many of you that have followed Ron’s Wyatt’s discovery of the Ark of the Covenant are also aware of his belief that the “Garden Tomb” is the place where Jesus was buried and resurrected. This tomb is in close proximity to the place where Ron began his dig for the Ark. ...
Events turned out otherwise however, and the last order I had from the Lord was not to remove it from its present safe location. That obviously precludes public discussion of where it is. But for what it’s worth I’m happy to answer any questions I can about the tape, and what I sa...
of humor here and there (Jones shooting the swordsman). Back when I was a kid, this film was everything for me. When I rewatched it a couple days ago, however, I found that the love I felt towards the film when I was a kid wore off. This isn't to say the film aged poorly ...