打开ARK游戏,在游戏主界面点击“立即加入”按钮。 在弹出的服务器列表中,选择“非专用服务器”选项。这些服务器通常是由其他玩家托管的,而不是由开发商提供的官方服务器。 在服务器列表中浏览可用的服务器,可以根据游戏模式、地图、玩家数量等条件进行筛选。也可以使用搜索栏输入服务器名称或关键词进行搜索。 找到合适...
I bought this game to play with my brother on a non dedicated server so we could progress as we please and not worry about Dinos dying or food spoiling. Then a month after I bought the game the option was taken away. When will this be available again? It
By following a few steps, you may host or join a Non-dedicated Server. However, you must ensure that some parameters are tweaked. Make sure to set your Non-dedicated Host server's tether distance to its maximum before beginning. First, here's how to host a server or a session:Making ...
Fixed a bug which prevented non-dedicated servers from being able to be hostedFixed a bug where the inventory rank was not updating on the client unless you rendered the structure again or rejoined the server. 13楼2021-02-10 19:02 回复 拌面葱 富有美誉 9 Current ARK Official Server ...
v32.24 (server and client) - 12/14/2023 - Minor version for servers and clients☆ Updated how unofficial servers are listed to prevent errors and exploits♢ To see non-commercially (non-Nitrado) hosted Unofficial Servers, please enable the checkbox "Show Player Servers" and refresh the ...
Survival Evolved Official Servers will be uploaded for players to re-host on their own servers or play in singleplayer/non-dedi, as well as slightly earlier snapshots. You will still be able to play on single-player, non-dedicated, player-dedicated, and unofficial servers. ARK: Survival Ascen...
To make things easier we have created a growing set of configuration tools that allow quick and easy generation of the code you need to modify your server. A complete list of these tools can be found here:Customization Tools This tool can also be used for Single Player & Non-Dedicated Sess...
* Anonymous Dedicated Server package is now only 4GB! (down from like 30 GB)1.增加了中土ARK官方Mod,将作为免费DLC发布2.增加了新的100人的以"中土"为地图的官方服务器3.改进了非真实天空的天空效果&照明(+ SM4/Mac/Linux)4.大量的服务器端的物理效果&网络优化5.你现在可以抱起或扔出渡渡鸟&蜣螂了。
The Giganotosaurus (and other creatures not normally allowed) can be teleported into boss arenas on Non-Dedicated servers through a bug. The host player initiates a boss fight, and a second player (or more, if available) must be mounted on the creature they want to teleport to the arena...
NON-DEDICATED ARK SERVER TNO The Ark Boosted Insta take max lvl unlocks all engrams increased boss battles for element stack mods other mods for crafting materials boosted stats for players and Dino’s maps valguero