DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined=False ServerPVE=False ServerCrosshair=True ServerForceNoHUD=False NoTributeDownloads=False DifficultyOffset=1 DisableStructureDecayPvE=False AllowFlyerCarryPvE=False NewMaxStructuresInRange=1200 EnablePvPGamma=True DisableDinoDecayPvE=False PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier=1.0 DisablePvE...
“ArmadoggoDeathCooldown=3600” in the GameUserSettings.ini under [ServerSettings] Additional Server related params/config options for using a “usestore” save system which combines player profiles, tribe data, and the world save into one single file. Note: This is not new, but not ...
“AllowTeslaCoilCaveBuildingPVP=True” in the GameUserSettings.ini under [ServerSettings] Added two configs for unofficial server owners to control Cosmo’s web weapon ammo “MaxCosmoWeaponAmmo” and “CosmoWeaponAmmoReloadAmount” in the GameUserSettings.ini under [ServerSettings] Bug ...
Joining the Server: We chose to run on a dedicated server box with high performance, and as such, are not using Nitrado. Therefore, to join the server, in the Unofficial tab you must select ''Show Player Servers'' and search ''Hibernia'' or just ''Hib'' and it will be available ...
Fixed Player Stat HUD icons continuing to pulse when filled Fixed Angler losing its inventory component when caught and released in a Fish Basket Fixed Aberration end cinematic issue that occurred with low/medium graphics settings Fixed Reaper babies not spawning with random traits ...
“ArmadoggoDeathCooldown=3600” in the GameUserSettings.ini under [ServerSettings] Additional Server related params/config options for using a “usestore” save system which combines player profiles, tribe data, and the world save into one single file. Note: This is not new, but n...
Unofficial servers can configure this timer in GameUserSettings.ini CryopodFridgeCooldowntime=90 Made improvements to creature following so they are less likely walk into the player and get them stuck when the server is under stress Speculative fix for the Dragon sometimes appearing as ...
Fixed Player Stat HUD icons continuing to pulse when filled Fixed Angler losing its inventory component when caught and released in a Fish Basket Fixed Aberration end cinematic issue that occurred with low/medium graphics settings Fixed Reaper babies not spawning with random traits ...
Fixed Player Stat HUD icons continuing to pulse when filled Fixed Angler losing its inventory component when caught and released in a Fish Basket Fixed Aberration end cinematic issue that occurred with low/medium graphics settings Fixed Reaper babies not spawning with random traits ...
Unofficial servers can configure this timer in GameUserSettings.ini CryopodFridgeCooldowntime=90 Made improvements to creature following so they are less likely walk into the player and get them stuck when the server is under stress Speculative fix for the Dragon sometimes appearing as ...