大家可以用一下其他的辅助mod啊 比如说你如果打晕恐龙之后不知道能吃什么 或者说你怕用毒箭把龙活活射死了 就可以加一下这个望远镜的模组名字是awesome spyglass。如果大家怕死亡,以后捡不回包裹 可以加一下这个墓碑 模组 名字是death helper。如果大家认为赶路时间十分的长,而且经常龙容易走丢的话 大家可以加一下...
EngramEntry_TEK_unlock_Weiyi_C Turret control terminal EngramEntry_TurretZhongduan_Weiyi_C 【模组介绍】MOD ID=931317 这个mod包含了以下内容 点石成金手(万能地3.0 包含了2.0所有功能 它现在可以复制带属性的道具) 恐龙洗点卡 炮塔终端(可以控制附近所有类型的自动炮塔) ...
- could have a dead tree as a spawn (like the confuciosornis mod in ASE) where the whole gang chill and looking for food... and having their nests there - could have a corpes as a spawn with a cicle fly animation... could work as a way to get spoiled meat faster.. like the ...
禁言老了 初级粉丝 1 可以下个穿墙mod 回复 来自Android客户端5楼2020-03-10 12:48 阿黄兄 初级粉丝 1 death helper 回复 来自Android客户端6楼2020-03-11 10:14 美猎以恒 正式会员 4 可以拉屎吃屎,疯狂消耗耐力按小键盘的+号键拉屎 收起回复 来自Android客户端7楼2020-03-16 01:53 单...
Main File 1.0 weiyi weiyi integrated mod v3techunlockengramstartkitdeathhelperjetpackadmin-windowsserver 13.zip ReleaseR Sep 12, 2024 Recent FilesView all Game weiyi weiyi integrated mod v3techunlockengramstartkitdeathhelperjetpackadmin-windowsserver 13.zip ReleaseR Sep 12, 2024 ...
Dan, C.R. Moderbacher, S.A. Rawlings, A. Sutherland, L. Premkumar, R.S. Jadi, D. Marrama, A.M. de Silva, A. Frazier, A. Carlin, J.A. Greenbaum, B. Peters, F. Krammer, D.M. Smith, S. Crotty, A. Sette Targets of T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in humans ...
[ weiyi ]-weiyi integratedmod v3-[tech][unlockengram][startkit][deathhelper][jetpack][admin]-windowsserver 9.zip ByWeiyi_UE ReleaseR Nov 8, 2023 3.25 MB 719 1.0 File Name [ weiyi ]-weiyi integratedmod v3-[tech][unlockengram][startkit][deathhelper][jetpack][admin]-windowsserver 9.zip Sup...
* Death Helper (Creates a beacon over your dead body!) * Egg N Poop Collector N Incubator (Mass produce fertilizer and incubate eggs easily!) #Server Info: Defiance ExtinctionCore: Server IP: Player Slots: 30 Current Map: The Island + ExtinctionCore Mod https://arkservers...
- Death helper, - Mini Indust Forge, - ORP2 (bases/dinos invincible while offline), - Small resource stacks AB, - Advanced Rafts, - Omnicular. If you have a mod suggestion, please post it in the Suggestions channel in discord! 1- No offline ra...
Mods on the server are lite: Death Helper, Pet Finder, Stairs & Rounded, Paint Mixer, Binoglass, Cute Hair, Temp Building Mod Using Bluefang. I have dumpfiles if anyone from wildcard would like them. Quote Fatal error! VERSION: 242.9 MSVCR120.dll!UnknownFunction (0x000007fef0fcc...